"Taxes," Professor Beaubier began today's lecture, "are a fact of life. Nothing is certain but death and them, and if you live somewhere that does not have taxes, see me after class, I want to know how you do it. In the United States, you are usually taxed whenever you buy something, and must pay state income and property taxes, as well as federal income taxes. In the United States, the
IRS owns your soul. Please try to remember this. You will pay them their pound of flesh, or they will hunt you down. Respect, children," he said with a wry grin.
Then he launched into a brief explanation of the American tax system as it related to them and their ability to keep any money they earned and, and the end, said, "Any questions?" After any questions that may or may not exist, he handed out some handwavy papers and said, "Next week, we will be doing our taxes, as I do not believe in leaving anything to the next minute. If you are not subject to the United States tax system, again, please see me after class, and I will see if I can procure the proper forms."