Choose Your Own Government, Monday, Class #2

Jan 13, 2008 21:16

Vala was sitting on her desk as students entered, swinging her legs. On each desk were a fully moddable doughnut, an apple, and an empty mug.

"Hello, everyone. Today we're going to address the issue of allocation of resources. I have in my possession one thermos, with enough coffee in it for two people, or one greedy person. I have another thermos of tea, and one of hot chocolate. Same rules."

"So, today's project? I want to give these thermoses out to people in time for you to drink them while they're still warm. Your job is to decide who should have them, using some of the types of government we read about last week. Feel free to lie, cheat, steal, campaign, whatever you feel the need to do to get them, but only three people will end up with them. We'll discuss next week how effective you were."

"Have fun." Then she sipped from a very large mocha before taking a bite of her chocolate-glazed doughnut.

choosing government

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