Accelerated Scouting: Tuesday, Fifth Period - Week Six

Aug 13, 2007 23:00

Dale had handwavily notified all his students via e-mail regarding the change of location and met all his students at the Danger Shop.

Upon entering the classroom they'll find that Dale has transformed it to police station that seems to be located somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. A place called Twin Peaks.

When entering the station they are guided by babbling secretary to the briefing room where Dale has provided dozens upon dozens of doughnuts which have been neatly stacked on the table according to type.

And of course there is coffee. Lots of coffee.

"Good Afternoon, Troop!" Dale said looking very chipper. "First of all congratulations. With all the work you've done, you are now technically at the rank of Life, the last stop before becoming an Eagle Scout. Now, in the past couple of weeks we've touched on the nature of being a good citizen. Some of you have taken this concept to heart to the extent of protesting against certain decrees placed upon student body. As a result, I thought it would be proper to have a guest speaker who may be able to help you in your efforts. Since I do not have any contact with my own dimension, I was only able to reconstruct his image and personality via the technology we have available in this room."

He paused and gave his scouts a quirky grin.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to Albert Rosenfield. Albert? Will you join us please."

A tall balding man carrying a report, stomped into the conference room with a permanent scowl on his face. "Damn it Coop, when you told me that it was important to be here, you didn't tell me it was to talk to a bunch of snot-nosed malcontents.

A weary smile crossed Dale's face. "Albert? These students are currently in the middle of a power struggle at the moment and could use your input."

"Power struggle? What? Did someone steal their milk and cookies?"

"Albert! This is not the time." Dale warned in a sharp tone.

Albert huffed. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

Dale gave Albert one of his trademark grins/thumbs up. "Excellent. All right kids, today Albert and I are going to talk to you about civil disobedience and how it can be applied to this particular environment."

"Remember, we're professionals. You might want to practice walking without dragging your knuckles on the ground before attempting anything this difficult. For instance, learning to tie your shoes and wipe your noses first."


"Fine," Albert sneered. "We'll start at the beginning then. When putting on a pair of socks you first one to unroll them and-"

"Let's keep to the subject at hand," Dale said sternly. "First I'd like to talk to you about the country of Tibet."

"And then we can talk about the land of fairy tales and lollipops," Albert snarked. "You want me to make this less like the Mickey Mouse club? Fine. Let's get to the bottom of this."

Albert slapped down the report he was carrying on the table.

"You want to overthrow the legitimate head of your school because she isn't a fluffy white kitten who'll let you run amok with your hormone addled brains? Then you need to stop being dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbells about it. Getting your jollies off with little pranks will only entrench a body of power and possibly turn others away from your cause. Especially if they involve violence."

"There are certain tactics you can use in your struggle that-"

"Was I finished? Please Cooper, let the adults at the table speak first," Albert said caustically. "Now instead of just accepting the situation so you can bury your heads in the most recent of Tiger Beat you just may consider wanting to follow some of these guidelines. Since I assume you are all typical American teenagers with a third grade reading level I'll break these down for you and speak slowly so you can make notes of these with your favorite color of crayon."


"Whatever. The first tactic is education. Make the public and everyone else understand what the problem is. Otherwise everyone will think you're a nutjob. Part of this is speaking up when it happens to you. Document the occurrence and find others to corroborate your story. Then find someone intelligent enough to understand your pathetic attempts at speech and hopefully will go to bat for you. Failing that you can go to Agent Cooper who ramble on about doughnuts, giants, little midgets and then throw rocks at a bottle before he does something about it."


"What'd I say?" Albert sneered, "Next there's noncooperation. I know that's a lot of syllables for you to learn, so I'll try to dumb it down for you. That's when you deliberately refuse to cooperate with an injustice or rule that you disagree with. There once was a woman named Rosa Parks who did this kind of thing. If any of you know how to pick up a book you might want to check up on her instead of watching the third season of Bitterwoman for the fiftieth time."

"Albert, surely you don't expect any of these students to-"

"Still not finished Cooper," Dale said holding up his hand to silence his colleague. "Finally there is nonviolent intervention, which is the physical intervention of an unjust event. And since I'm seeing a bunch of glazed expressions on your faces, I'll try to explain it slowly for you. Ever hear of blockades, occupations, sit-ins, tree sitting, hunger strikes, pickets, vigils and petitions? Of course you haven't. But that's what you have to do. You have to stand up and say something and not back down no matter how hard you might be hit. And then when you are hit you need to stand up again and continue on as though it didn't happen and not raise a finger if they try to hurt you again."

Albert paused for a moment and picked up his report. "For those of you sitting there thinking I'm the biggest son of a bitch that ever was, then you better listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a nay-sayer and hatchet man in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another, because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method…is love. Remember that and you'll never lack for company or lose track of your moral compass. Because I love all of you. Even Agent Cooper."

"Why, Albert... I'm touched."

"Don't push it, Cooper. Am I done here?"

"Let's see if anyone has any questions and then you are free to go. Class? Any questions for Agent Rosenfield?"

[OOC: OCD is coming is up! Please read the assignment and the OOC comments.]


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