How to Blow Things Up - Week 4, Period 1

Jul 31, 2007 11:33

Aly had set up the main campfire with an assortment of bombs running the field from the classic bombs used in movies to less sophisticated devices.

She waited for everyone to arrive then started speaking.  "The last few classes, we've talked about how to blow things up.  Which is, admittedly, a lot of fun and also what the class is about.  Today, however, we're going to talk about what happens when you don't want the bomb to go off.  Disabling explosives is a hugely dangerous task, and in general, it's something you want to call in an expert to deal with."  She grinned.  "But really if there's one thing Fandom teaches you it's that when you need an expert, one usually can't be found.  So today we - and by we, I mean you - are going to work on disarming explosive devices that won't cause quite so much agony is you get it wrong."

Gesturing to the assortment of bombs,  she started discussing bomb disposal techniques including the use of a pigstick because I love this word and the ever-popular cutting of the correctly coloured wires.

"Now the trick here is that these devices aren't bombs.  But if they are disengaged incorrectly, they will explode."  She grinned.  "I hope you wore clothes that can get paint on them.  If not -" she pointed to a box "-there are some lovely and very fashionable smocks to put on."

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, pair up and have fun."

[OOC:  More information on how this will work is in the OCD threads which I am puttng up now is up like an up thing.  Not dirty]

blow things up

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