Elliot looked significantly more chipper as she waited for class to begin today. "Hey, people. Sorry about last week -- it's just really distressing to lose your work like that. But this week, I did not lose my work. We are learning about the
circulatory system, which is the system that moves blood and other fluid throughout your body, bringing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out." She continued her lecture, explaining the roles of the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries.
"There are three major
parts of the circulatory system: pulmonary circulation, which moves blood from the heart to the lungs; coronary circulation; which keeps the heart healthy and functioning; and systemic circulation, which makes everything else work." She had a set of slides explaining each element in minute detail. "Your activity for today is to get into groups of three, and I want each of you to argue why one of those parts is the most important one in the body. Think of it as a brainstorming exercise, don't stress about right or wrong answers, and no threatening to cut each other to make a point. When you finish, you can do a mock
heart transplant on one of the dummies in the back of the room."
"Let me know if you have questions."