Spy Tech, Class Ten (03/21)

Mar 20, 2007 23:15

Wednesday, March 21, First Period

D'Anna Beirs (Class Eight)
JC Broots (Class Eight, Class Nine)
Jim Ellison (Class Eight)
Barbara Gordon (Class Seven, Class Eight, Class Nine)
Alex Krycek (Class Eight)
Ranma Saotome (Class Eight, Class Nine)

LECTURE: M's desk displayed three perfectly unassuming items: a shoe, an automobile cigarette lighter, and a fountain pen. "Each of the items you see here serves a dual function. These are hidden communicators, used in espionnage to provide field agents with the means to send and receive messages without having to carry an radio and phone. These days, with cellular phones becoming smaller and more prevalent, hidden communicators are not quite as popular as they once were. But there are times when you may find yourself unable or unwilling to carry a more obvious communications device, and in those instances a radio disguises as an unobtrusive, everyday object can be quite useful."

She picked up the shoe. "This is one of our earlier models, the shoe phone. As you can see, it's rather clumsy, and plainly not a device you would want to use in public. However, in the era preceding portable telephones, this was quite the advancement."

Next, M set aside the shoe and picked up the fountain pen. "From around the same era as the shoe phone, this fountain pen communicator contains a small wireless radio, tuned to a specific channel that connects the user directly to their homebase operator. As such, it is less versatile than a telephone, but can be useful when an agent requires the ability to communicate with their headquarters or other designated base location but needs a method that will remain unobtrusive. Carrying a fountain pen is hardly suspicious, and the design makes them extremely portable and easily hidden."

The pen was then laid aside and M held up the lighter. "A bit more modern than the other two, although still not up to the sort of technology we use today, is the cigarette lighter communicator. It's designed on the same principle as the fountain pen -- concealing a radio within an unobtrusive item -- but is intended for installation inside a vehicle. This is, in fact, probably the most obsolete of the three items, despite being of more modern design, due to the advances even in the commercial sector regarding in-vehicle communications."

DISCUSSION: "I'm sure that many of you have used, know of, or can imagine far more advanced and effective methods of concealing communications devices. So for our class discussion today, I want you to talk about those technologies. Share your ideas on ways everyday and easily portable items can be used to conceal a radio or satellite phone. And I want you to examine your classmates suggestions, and discuss the possible flaws and how they could be overcome.

You may also borrow the items you see here to examine during class, so long as you return them to me before you leave."

HOMEWORK: "Your assignment from last week's class on the Facemaker will be due a week from today."

[ooc: Much SP from me today. Please wait for the OCD is now up.]

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