Popular Culture [Monday, March 19, 7th period]

Mar 19, 2007 14:19

Rose entered the classroom, still tired but refreshed from a full night's sleep. "Hello, class, hope you had a wonderful weekend. Continuing from last week's lesson, still talking about the idiot box, this time we will talk about TV and music. You can imagine how influential this became when they've combined the two.

"If you've been reading the syllabus, you know this is one of the major projects of your class, by next week, I'd like you to create your own MTV. Criterias for grading would be creativity, teamwork, song choice, etc.,  I've assigned you to two groups, I'll give you time to discuss the project later. Speaking of MTV, let's delve into a little history, shall we? In 1981, this little network almost single handedly changed the face of the music industry. And I mean, radically, radically changed. Overnight this little network no one knew became a household name. If you want new, fresh music, if you want to produce a 'cool' image MTV was and is the place to launch it.

"They became keepers of the industry, took small time muscians and made them more popular face than they ever were. MTV has also been, to no surprise, credited for encouraging bad behaviour in teenagers. Do you lot agree with this statement? Do you think that television, movies and MTV have any influence in our behaviour?"

Rose looked to them, "Go on, what do you think?"

Group 1

Hermione Granger
S.T. Anders
Draco Malfoy
Armony Eiselstein
Edward Elric

Group 2

Henry Jekyll
Marco Conrad
Ami Mizuno
Ron Weasley
Alphonse Elric

(please wait for OCD up)     

popular culture

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