Weiss stood in front of the classroom. "Hey everybody. Uh, Daisy couldn't make it in today, so I'm your teacher. I know, insane, right?" He brandished a DVD. "This is
The Tumble of the Mansion of Thrusher. We're gonna watch a few clips from it. It's from a series of movies from the 1960s, all based on the works of Poe. It rocks. So does the short story." He passed out a copy of the
story to the entire class.
"Roger Corman, the guy who directed all these Poe movies, basically took the framework of the story and pumped it up to a feature-length movie. What are some of the benefits of this? What are some of the pitfalls? Did Corman succeed? Don't I sound totally professional or what?"
[OOC: OCD Threads are coming up! Mod the clips, since all I could find was the
IMDb for the movie.
Wikipedia covering both story and film]