Spy Tech, Class Seven (02/21)

Feb 21, 2007 09:48

Wednesday, February 21, First Period

Once the class was assembled, M asked Nadia and Marty to come forward.

"Your homework assignment was to write an essay on possible uses for the wristwatch. There are a number of applications that have already been used -- communicators, explosives, tracking devices. Santos and Blank will demonstrate a somewhat unusual item that was developed some years ago for my own agency."

After the demonstration was completed, M turned to the class.

"For discussion today, I want you to use the essay you wrote for your homework, and discuss how one might turn an ordinary wristwatch into a piece of specialty spy equipment. Convince me and one another that your plan could work. Before you leave today, remember to turn in your essay."

HOMEWORK: "Next week there will be no class, so I hesitate to bother giving you an assignment today. Instead, I will inform you that we will be meeting in the Danger Shop the following week, to begin our lesson on disguise."

[ooc: Marty modded today with permission. Please wait for OCD is up, you may begin.]

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