Fandom High Lawn (All Day)

Jan 02, 2007 12:10

Everyone was thankful that the weather had cleared up enough for the Welcome Party to be held outside. Tables were set up with food and nametags, as well as what seemed to be requisite balloons and glitter. There was also a sign up listing the Big Sibling/Little Sibling pairings, for those who had volunteered, and plenty of room to socialize ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Meet Your Teachers bigdamndean January 2 2007, 17:21:54 UTC
[Yet another convenient thread, for any of the teachers who want to drop by.]


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 2 2007, 17:30:55 UTC
Emma turned up for the meet and greet (mainly in order to avoid her new roomie). She was even sort of dressed for the occasion. That is, she was dressed. She looked up at the school building. "Not bad, I suppose."


Re: Meet Your Teachers karaoke_lizard January 2 2007, 17:48:45 UTC
Lorne walked by and gave Emma a little woot of appreciation. "Ooooo! Honey! Finally someone who dresses as snappy as I do."


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 2 2007, 17:52:14 UTC
Emma smiled, pleased. "Why, thank you. I try." She gave the man a once over. He was really quite handsome in a green sort of way. "I'm Emma Frost. I'll be teaching Home Economics this semester."


Re: Meet Your Teachers karaoke_lizard January 2 2007, 17:56:17 UTC
"Nice to meet you Emmy," Lorne said with a flourish gesture of welcome. "I am Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan, though you can just call me Lorne. I'm the music teacher this side of the causeway. I don't suppose you have any musical talents as well as domestic qualities?"


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 2 2007, 18:02:58 UTC
Emma winced. "I really do prefer Emma. I'm afraid my musical talents lies mostly in appreciating music when it is well played and well sung."


Re: Meet Your Teachers karaoke_lizard January 2 2007, 18:18:10 UTC
"I hear 'ya Emily," Lorne replied. "Well if appreciating music is your bag you'll have to join me for one of my classes as a guest judge. It'll help me grade the little whippersnappers."


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 2 2007, 18:26:37 UTC
Emma was starting to suspect this was an entire island of Jubilees. She brightened a little at the suggestion however. "Guest judge? For music? Can I make them cry like on tv?"


Re: Meet Your Teachers karaoke_lizard January 2 2007, 19:36:16 UTC
"Oh sweetie... I like you. You're a keeper," Lorne gleed as he pulled out his card with his phone number. "Call me. Will do lunch."

And with that Lorne blew her a kiss. "Mwah."


Re: Meet Your Teachers idontspeakfreak January 2 2007, 23:30:41 UTC
Yuki approaches her from behind and smiles a bit, "You really wear that outfit well." And that's him saying just about exactly what he's thinking too.


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 3 2007, 03:08:16 UTC
The thought echo made her smile as she turned around. "Thank you." She held out a gloved hand. "Emma Frost, Home Ec teacher." And didn't that just sound weirder every time she said it?


Re: Meet Your Teachers idontspeakfreak January 3 2007, 04:11:17 UTC
He takes her hand and shakes it with a smile. "Creative Writing. Yuki Eiri."


Re: Meet Your Teachers carbontelepath January 3 2007, 18:18:46 UTC
"Ah, author wannabe?" Emma inquired, withdrawing her hand and placing it on her hip.

ooc: yay slowplay. Ahem.


Re: Meet Your Teachers idontspeakfreak January 4 2007, 02:42:50 UTC
"Not really. I've written 28 novels." He doesn't meantion the award he won, though she can read his mind and know that anyway.

OOC: Forgive me, I was at an insane meetup thingy. Two computers, 6 people.


Re: Meet Your Teachers sideburnsofwar January 2 2007, 17:37:59 UTC
Ares looked vaguely bored as he watched the crowd.

He wished there were dancing girls. These things were always better with dancing girls.

Especially naked dancing girls.

[ooc: sleeping. Will respond to pings when awake.]


Re: Meet Your Teachers getfrizzled January 3 2007, 04:42:46 UTC
Ms Frizzle was not a dancing girl. Ms Frizzle was certainly not naked. But she certainly pirouetted up to Ares. "Hellooooo!"


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