Fandom High Lawn (All Day)

Jan 02, 2007 12:10

Everyone was thankful that the weather had cleared up enough for the Welcome Party to be held outside. Tables were set up with food and nametags, as well as what seemed to be requisite balloons and glitter. There was also a sign up listing the Big Sibling/Little Sibling pairings, for those who had volunteered, and plenty of room to socialize ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Meet Your Roommate bigdamndean January 2 2007, 17:20:55 UTC
[Again, just a convenient, tidy thread. If you need to find a roommate, ping in here as doing so, or else check back often to see if said roommate has done so.]


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 2 2007, 17:38:17 UTC
Pip stretched his arms around the back of his head and looked around for this "Kabuto" person.


Re: Meet Your Roommate sound_loyalty January 3 2007, 01:17:09 UTC
Kabuto hated nametags. It was his first run-in with the evil things, but he already hated them. Frowning, he stuck the tag on the front of his shirt as he'd seen others do, and just leaned back to people-watch. Or rather, to study everyone he could from this vantage point, and see if there was anything worth remembering.


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 3 2007, 02:29:53 UTC
Pip saw the nametag and wandered over. "Hi, Kabuto?"


Re: Meet Your Roommate sound_loyalty January 3 2007, 02:32:51 UTC
And Pip was now a proud recipient of a lensflared frown, though the silver-haired ninja tried to be polite. "Yes, actually. Who, may I ask, is inquiring?"


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 3 2007, 02:35:15 UTC
"Pip Bernadette," Pip responded. "Your new roommate."


Re: Meet Your Roommate sound_loyalty January 3 2007, 02:37:41 UTC
"Oh. This is punishment, then." Kabuto smiled as if the previous annoyance had never been. "Yakushi Kabuto." He bowed slightly. "From, or so I've been led to believe, somewhere you've never heard of." That was something he might be able to get used to, however. The more people underestimated you, the better.


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 3 2007, 02:42:50 UTC
"A lot of people around here are from places I've never heard of. I've gotten used to it. The place I'm from, for example, is called France. Yourself?"


Re: Meet Your Roommate sound_loyalty January 3 2007, 02:50:54 UTC
"The Hidden Village of Sound, in the Land of Sound." A slight smirk, as he gestured one gloves hand toward his forehead protector with its tell-tale music note. "Obviously."


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 3 2007, 03:58:26 UTC
"Yes. Because when I see musical notes, I think of places called "the Hidden Villiage of Sound"," Pip responded. "So, do you have any weird quirks I should know about? I probably need to warn you about my cat."


Re: Meet Your Roommate sound_loyalty January 3 2007, 04:13:10 UTC
"Of course you do." Kabuto shrugged slightly. "As for quirks...well, nothing I can think of." The ninja smiled sweetly. "Is there something in particular that I should avoid?"


Re: Meet Your Roommate cyclopeanmerc January 3 2007, 16:21:56 UTC
"My cat," Pip answered simply. "She's hellspawn and has decided that she needs to kill everything within her sight. Something about proving that she's stronger than everyone else. All attempts to train her or calm her down have failed miserably."


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