War Theory, Thursday, 4th Period

Dec 07, 2006 11:52

Honor stood at the small table where Mac had laid out the usual snacks and refilled her cup with hot chocolate as the students entered the room. She smiled at them, appearing well-rested, and clad in her casual attire. Because of the wet snow, however, Nimitz was nowhere to be seen, having opted to stay home. Andrew LaFollet hovered in the background as a result.

As class began, Honor folded herself into one of the desks, toward the front of the room. She sipped carefully at her hot chocolate. “While I’m sure many of you would have wished for a more...eventful...trip, I have to say I’m glad things went so quietly. It’s a shame the weekend didn’t go as quietly.” She smiled at them over the rim of her cup.

“Well, you’ve now seen Grayson - seen the landmarks, a hint of the society, and discussed a few things with Benjamin. Short of a trip to Masada - which is, sadly out of the question, as it's still under martial law - you have about as complete a picture as you’re going to get. Drawing on what you’ve seen, what you’ve read, and what we’ve discussed in the past, what do you see as factors in determining the way Grayson justifies warfare? Is it all that different from those we’ve discussed?”

She let the question dangle until discussion started. Eventually, someone picked up the thread and she briefly played moderator until she felt the discussion was completed.

“And that - for the most part - is our class for the term. Next week, we will have a quick review. You’ll be able to ask any questions you have left, and then be released. I expect each of you to review your notes, handouts, and discuss among yourselves what you’ve learned this term. Your exam will be two weeks from today.”

Honor rose from her seat and placed the now-empty mug onto her desk. Turning back to the students, she rubbed her nose briefly with her index finger. “Before you go, I would like you to do one thing - I would like to observe a moment in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day. It’s probably a bit sentimental, but it’s always important to remember the fallen.”

She glanced up at the clock, then bowed her head briefly. Within sixty seconds, however, she raised her head and looked out at the class. “Class dismissed. Have a great afternoon.”

[OCD threads coming up.]

war theory

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