Interstellar Relations, Monday, 6th period

Nov 20, 2006 19:03

The desks have been separated from their usual formation into three groups, each one labelled. To the far side of the room four desks are set aside, marked "Manticore"; in the center, "Twelve Colonies"; and closest to the door, "Earth." The sign-in sheet is on the desk. Only this time, aside from simply providing a place for the students to sign in, it also provides the role each student will play:

Isabel (Monarch)
Peter (PM)
Luke (Military/Intel)
Carmela (Lords/Commons)

Elizabeth (President)
Cally (Quorum)
Anders (Military/Intel)
Naomi (Press/Media)

Earth (U.S.)
Altman (President)
Parker (Secretary of State)
Schrodinger (Military/Intel)
Ray (Congress)


As the bell sounded, signaling the beginning of class, Laura regarded the students with a wry smile. "Today, we begin looking at how everything fits together -- with systems that likely will never have contact with one another. Each of you has a role assignment. Your first order of business, in each cell, will be to allocate the budget accordingly. I'll collect these once you've completed them, and they will set the pace for how quickly -- or slowly -- you react to variables. Manticore and the Colonies," she said, holding up a sheet, "you'll use this sheet." She held up a different sheet, looking to the U.S. representatives. "Earthers, you'll be using this sheet.

"Rory, you'll be our resident free-agent. You'll be covering major developments across all three -- sort of like a cable news network."

She lowered the sheets and placed them on the desk behind her. "Now, get acquainted and get started. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I'll try to play any additional roles you find you need as the simulation progresses."

[OCD threads coming up. Again, extended slow play due to the late post and holiday.]

interstellar relations

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