Monday, October 16, First Period
In addition to the usual comfy chairs and breakfast spread, there are several stacks of books scattered about the room.
"Good morning. Today we're going to do something a little different. I know that lately, you've had to deal with some rather difficult topics in this class. Prophecy isn't an easy subject, and that's especially true for those of you who've already had first-hand experience with it. So today, I want you to take some time to decompress. Work with your project group if you like, catch up on some reading-" He nodded toward the books. "Or just talk quietly with your friends. I'll be here all period for anything that you'd like to discuss with me, any questions you might have about the class, or anything else. There are handouts for you that cover the class topics for today. Those of you enrolled in the lab will find some of this material familiar, but there's more in-depth information here for you.
Also, I'll need to speak with Miss Belacqua, Miss Brown, and Miss Nitt before the end of class today."
Chieromancy #1Chieromancy #2Chrystallomancy #1Chrystallomancy #2Chrystallomancy #3Cartomancy #1Cartomancy #2Astrology/Astromancy Homework: Look up the
astrological chart for your date of birth. Write out a simple description of what it says about your personality, and note any differences of opinion between your own perception of yourself and what the chart says." [ooc: You only need to enter information for date/time/place to get a reading. Make up something for the time unless your canon is OCD enough to provide it for you.]
A Note on Group Projects: The first stage of class projects is due November 13. Remember, this is the part where you write your own prophecy. Once the projects are turned in, I will assign them to another group to be interpreted.
Syllabus Class Roster Classes Linkdrop Absences:
Lyra Belacqua: one class, one lab excused
Lavendar Brown: one class excused
Agnes Nitt: one lab
[ooc: Apologies for wimping out on today's class. I promise there'll be twice as much effort put into next week's. And yes, we're a little off the syllabus. I'll be updating it soon. Please wait for OCD threads are up.]