Interstellar Relations, Monday, 5th Period

Oct 09, 2006 14:55

Laura stood at the front of the class room, clad today in one of her suits. To her right, a large cream-and-gray ball of fur on one shoulder, stood Professor Harrington. They were speaking quietly among themselves as the students filed in from earlier classes and lunch. On the desk behind them, envelopes awaited each student. Inside, they would find their party assignments and any other motivating issues they should know, whether it be new information or reiteration of the notes from the previous class.

The desks in the room had been divided into two, labelled groups. On one side, desks were labelled "Centrist," "Loyalist," and "Progressives"; on the opposite side, desks were labelled "Liberals," "New Men," and "Conservative Association." At the center were two desks, these labelled "Her Majesty" and "Prime Minister" respectively.

Excusing herself from her conversation with Professor Harringon, Laura attempted to call the class to order. "If everyone would please take their seats according to their party assignment, we'll get started."

She paused for a few seconds, allowing any stragglers to take their seats and prepare for the class. Once everyone seemed to have settled in, she spoke again. "Today, we have a guest with us -- Professor Harrington -- who, thankfully, is actually a member of the House of Lords on Manticore, as well as a Steadholder in the Manticore-allied world, Grayson. She'll be our subject matter expert today, fielding questions and attempting to play the part of her second home, Grayson, in our deliberations today.

"Your dilemma is this: There is currently a war going on -- one that has drawn out for the better part of twenty years. The People's Republic of Haven -- recently renamed the Republic of Haven -- is under new management and is seeking a ceasefire in the war. The Liberal Party, dominant for the first time in years, is using this as an opportunity to further cut back on military spending and withdraw somewhat from interstellar politics.

"Consider yourselves in the House of Lords. If consultation with the Commons is needed, please see Professor Harrington or myself." She looked over the students. "Any questions?" She took the time to answer any direct questions to start things off. "Well, if that's all, have at; we'll go until the bell rings."

[Please wait for the OCD threads. Honor and Laura will be available after about 5:30 EST are finally available for pings (frakking headaches). Be sure to annoy one another, and if you have any problems or questions that can't be handled in game, drop me an e-mail: laura dot roslin at gmail dot com.]

interstellar relations

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