Title: Where's Your Weight Now
Fandom: Digimon Adventures, 02
Content: A little m/m hinting. Old friendships and new. G is for Game.
It was just another pickup game, but with Yamato around, it was a spectacle. Sora, taking pity, formed a side with Daisuke, who was challenging Taichi and Ken. Meanwhile Yamato and Ken and Taichi's fans cheered and swooned.
"Hey, Daisuke's remembered how to pass!" said Takeru loudly from the sidelines. Sora rolled her eyes. At least Daisuke's protests had distracted Ken.
Which left Tai. Who was holding back.
Sora dribbled, thinking, two years of tennis and twelve years of you.
"Yamato's staring at your butt," she said; Taichi's footwork stuttered, and she kicked the ball between his legs.
Title: Keeping, Still
Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Content: Strongly implied kinky sex, like showing up with lube and a toybox obvious. Desecration of football stadium. R rated.
I need art of this, mmm.
The stadium was close, and Ken still had his fake I.D. Risky, but who would look for him here?
Both had been legitimate, once.
The field was prepared for kids' practice, everything half-sized including the goal. Ken shucked off his gloves and curled his hands on the bar just above his head.
"Stay," came a voice who would look for him here. Ken shut his eyes tight as he was stripped. "Hold this here." A ball was placed between his knees.
The mouth on him almost pushed him past the line, but he held, guarding, keeping perfectly and still.