Title: Death Cannot Stop True Love (It Can Only Delay It For A While)
Author name:
hils &
tiptoe39Artist name:
serenada_artFandom: SPN
Genre: Slash
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 14,700
Summary: Hunters, Angels, Archangels, Swordfights, Kidnappings, Death, Resurrection and True Love. An epic tale of love versus the apocalypse. Very loosely based on The Princess Bride. Alternate version of Season 5 of SPN.
Written for
deancasbigbang Acknowledgments/Thanks:
For of all a HUGE thank you to
tiptoe39 for acting as a wonderful co-author who helped remind me why I wanted to write this in the first place and helped bring the fun back into writing. This fic would not exist without her invaluable input
Thanks to
hsapiens for a stellar beta job
And, of course, thanks to
serenada_art for creating absolutely AMAZING art to go with this fic. I couldn't have asked for anything more. Every single piece made me smile so hard and looks perfect
Part One |
Part Two |
Art Master Post