Bel opened up the Assistants' Lounge for the day. He was still in a good mood about telling Logan to stay away from Angel last night. Petty? Nah, not at all.
"He's worse than Sawyer!" Bel exclaimed. "At least Sawyer is a human. Crowley is a demon...." He broke off for a moment, realizing how ridiculous that sounded coming from him. "...a demon a thousand times worse than me! He's an incarnation of evil and you're giving yourself to him. Are you out of your mind?"
"That's because evil is deceptive," Bel said. Again, pot, kettle. "He'll say anything to get you to trust him. Please tell me you won't do it again. I don't think Phoebe's heart can take it."
"She doesn't hate you," Bel said. "She loves you. You're her sister. She worries about you and she gets exasperated when you do foolish things. But she doesn't hate you."
"Your sisters both care about you and don't wanna see you hurt," Bel said. "But yeah, you gotta think of the consequences of your actions. You can't go around doing whatever you want because it feels good at the time. You're going to get yourself killed that way."
Re: Period Onethe4thsisterMarch 23 2006, 18:11:08 UTC
She nodded solemnly, because she knew he was right, she'd slept with a demon ffs, he had wings, even for this place that normal and her being a Charmed One only made this all the worse.
"Do you know where Phoebe is? I should go talk to her." she asked
Re: Period Onethe4thsisterMarch 23 2006, 18:22:55 UTC
She considered this a few moments, "Think I'll wait til after classes, just in case things go badly, I'd rather not mess up her classes for her on top of everything else."
Standing from the chair she smiled slightly at him, "Thanks Bel, I'll see you later okay?" she said turning to leave.
"Okay," he said. "Take care of yourself, Paige. Your sisters really do worry about you. And if Sawyer uses this as an excuse to push you around -- you come see me."
Paige walks in looking distinctly worried, then notices Bel reading the paper and winces.
"She won't literally kill me will she?" she asks
She collapses into a chair opposite him, "I don't know what I was thinking okay, I guess I wasn't."
"How much does she hate me?" she asked quietly
"One day I'll learn not to be so impulsive you know, cos these things tend to have consequences don't they?" she said frowning.
"I really need to remember that."
"Do you know where Phoebe is? I should go talk to her." she asked
Standing from the chair she smiled slightly at him, "Thanks Bel, I'll see you later okay?" she said turning to leave.
"Thanks Bel, I'll remember that, although I think Pheebes would want to get her hands on first if he tried anything."
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