chuck: the art of kicking ass

Jan 28, 2011 22:17

Title: the art of kicking ass
Author: missymeggins
Work type Fic (drabble, 100 words)
Fandom: Chuck
Characters: Sarah, Bryce
Written for: misura
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Summary/ Prompt: Bryce & Sarah being kickass spies together.

There's something empowering about kicking ass in stiletto heels and a very tight dress. There's something even more empowering in seeing the pure awe on her new partner's face as she does it.

Bryce Larkin knows he's a good spy but he recognises that he may have met his match in Sarah Walker.

“You're good,” he tells her, when there's three bad guys unconscious at her feet.

“Yeah. I am,” she replies, giving him a small smile and stepping over the bodies like they don't exist.

“Okay then,” he grins. “Let's kick some more ass together.”

donor: misura, cause: qldfloods2011, fandom: chuck, rating: g, author: missymeggins, type: fanfiction

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