Hard Luck Story (Supernatural, Dean/Castiel; NC-17)

Jan 21, 2013 12:07

Title: Hard Luck Story [AO3]
Author: dizzzylu
Donor: lilyleia78
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: None
Warnings: alternate reality, established relationship (of a sort)
Word Count: 3043
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. I make no profit on this piece of fanwork.
Summary: You know how the story goes: two attractive strangers meeting in a bar...

( Dean pulls his car into the first half-lit parking lot he finds, fingers already tugging at the knot in his tie. His sleek silver Audi doesn't fit in among the battered pick-up trucks and rusted out jalopys, but he doesn't care, so long as the bar serves its purpose. )

donor: lilyleia78, cause: superstorm2012, author: dizzzylou, rating: nc17, fandom: supernatural, type: fanfiction

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