Devil Wears Prada: Paparazzi Have Hearts Too. Part 1/1.

Mar 27, 2011 12:23

Title: Paparazzi Have Hearts Too. Part 1/1.
Author: punky_96
Fandom:  The Devil Wears Prada (movie)
Work Type:  fic
Characters: Andy/Miranda, Reporter Rob and Paparazzi Pete
Rating: G
Spoilers:  none
Written For:  Pdt_bear (Japan Auction)
Summary: Paparazzi Pete has a story to tell and he hopes that Miranda will provide the final chapter.

Story Link:  HERE
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Prompt: The idiom "There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know." was not something freely attached to Miranda Priestly, and yet, this time, even She would have had to admit to the verity of those words.
Disclaimer: at my LJ/on my fic community
Beta: Irishhusky!!! Rock You, babaloo!
Word Count: 3813

cause: japanquake2011, donor: pdt_bear, author: punky_96, fandom: the devil wears prada, rating: g, type: fanfiction

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