And we go to Plan B.

May 26, 2008 23:38

I have to admit - a lot happened over the weekend that made me think on this further, so I'm going to apologize and say that I don't believe that the first idea I had for this community is going to cut it any longer. The original plan was to put up a run-off poll between our top two candidates, but I've decided against that. I think it's highly ( Read more... )

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Comments 46

clear_as_blood May 27 2008, 04:59:52 UTC
Have you considered posting at various popular fandom communities/noticeboards in order to help spread the word? Cause I've noticed that a considerable amount of fannish people didn't even find out about the elections until very recently.


svmadelyn May 27 2008, 05:01:48 UTC
Yeah, we're working on it. :) A lot of people were away for the weekend, and things got pretty strange fast, so.

We'll have to see how it all turns out.


dzurlady May 27 2008, 05:02:24 UTC
I'm a little sad that one of the reasons legomymalfoy is attractive to vote for is because she has a lot of votes already. I do think she's a good candidate (and better than jameth by far, although that's faint praise), I just think rm is a better candidate, since she has a little more distance from livejournal's official structure (not that being connected is a bad thing, but we already have people on the board who are connected to lj, so I think some diversity would be good) and has more of a focus on ensuring free speech.

Edit for code snafu. Sigh.


svmadelyn May 27 2008, 05:09:09 UTC
I do understand and empathize - but frankly, what's done is done, and we need to deal with how the numbers have turned out. I'd have loved to see this process play through until the end, but with the posting at such a huge community on behalf of a person who most of us would agree is entirely unsuitable...well. To try and catch up to where legomymalfoy is and *then* override Jameth? It's a difficult situation all around, and at this point, we've just got to make the best of it.


davidkevin May 27 2008, 07:19:59 UTC

legomymalfoy lists "being an abuse nazi" and "supporting my abuse nazi friends" as Interests, being a member of the corrupt Abuse Team which facilitates jameth doing what he does.

Voting for legomymalfoy will not in any way prevent or punish any abusive posting on jameth's part.

For what it's worth, just as bad are phreakelove, who brags about the bully communities he/she belongs to, and 7rin, who not only wants to make it easier to bully, but wants to ban victims who complain about it.


thickets May 28 2008, 02:22:44 UTC
Sarcasm? Do you know it?


cathalin May 27 2008, 06:02:56 UTC
Just wanted to say, I think what you've done with all this has been fantastic. I did post to my flist a couple of days ago, for what it's worth, urging them all to come here and act accordingly, and tonight I went ahead and voted per your suggested order of voting. Because you're right - though I might have slightly preferred a different order, I don't really know, and if fandom splits its vote too much, fandom will get nothing.

My time's been super limited, and I really, really appreciate that you and seperis and many others have spent time to bring this to people's attention. The work involved, not to mention headache - well, it's appreciated. A lot. I'm sure it's frustrating and stressful, but just know, you did a good thing. Really good.


svmadelyn May 27 2008, 07:22:17 UTC
I'm pretty sure I'd have gone with a different order myself, but I can't say for certain. At this point, I just think it's really important that we support someone who at least will go into this position genuinely intending to try to help.

I'm really glad you've found the community useful. I don't think I've ever seen Jenn code that much for a single post in years. *grins*


seperis May 27 2008, 09:28:40 UTC
I really hate you for that. My hands hurt.


svmadelyn May 27 2008, 17:25:57 UTC
You volunteered! It was terribly endearing.


julieannie May 27 2008, 06:12:22 UTC
I'm still really bothered by legomymalfoy's LJ Abuse position and her refusal to step down if elected. I can't get over it. It really makes vichan look stronger to me all the time.


jedi_iwakura May 27 2008, 06:19:21 UTC
kenboy May 27 2008, 13:09:09 UTC
And I'm REALLY bothered that she not only still hasn't shown up anywhere to answer any questions, but that the posts where she was entertaining questions are now gone.

I don't think there was anything she could have said to get me to vote for her instead of rm at this point, but her actually deigning to discuss her candidacy and the issues with the electorate would have been nice.

(And, really, I'd still like to see someone set up some sort of debate -- an IRC channel where only the candidates could speak? A separate Q&A forum, with moderated questions? Things like that.)


spare_change May 27 2008, 14:09:30 UTC
I totally agree about legomymalfoy's stonewalling and lack of transparency. Although I am not terribly surprised ... as another commenter noted, she has being an abuse nazi listed as one of her interests!

It makes me really sad that people are changing their votes simply because they think momentum is behind a particular candidate. We could have at least tried to get momentum behind a more suitable one. I thought that was the point of this community -- to evaluate the candidates and decide which one would actually best serve fandom interests.

But I do thank the mods for all their hard work, as unhappy I am with their decision. ♥


altogetherisi May 27 2008, 08:48:27 UTC
Sorry, is there a place you can see how the current vote stands? Are you able to change your vote once you have cast it at all?


burnishdvictory May 27 2008, 09:04:45 UTC
You can see the current voting here and change your vote here.


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