On the Road

Jul 30, 2011 01:06


Caroline Forbes and Stefan Salvatore - friends from Mystic Falls, Virginia.

How long have you and your teammate known each other?
Caroline: Since I was sixteen, so...how old do you have to be for this? 21? I'm 21 now, so we've known each other for five years.

How did you meet?
Stefan: Caroline is my girlfriend's best friend. We'd known each other about a year before we found common ground and started to bond.

What is the biggest disappointment you have experienced from your teammate?
Caroline: Every once in a while Stefan has some kind of weird dude meltdown and just runs off and then it's my job to track him down, talk some sense into him, and drag him back to society.

What do you hope to gain from participating in The Amazing Race with your partner (besides winning)?
Stefan: Caroline kept complaining that it felt like it had been a century since we did anything exciting, and this seemed like it'd be interesting at the very least.

What is your biggest pet peeve about your partner?
Caroline: Does his brother count?

What communication issues do you have with your partner that you would want to address while on the Race?
Stefan: Caroline and I have dealt with enough together that we communicate as well as I could hope for - we work well as a team. We'll certainly have our issue. We both tend to get excessively...cranky, I guess, when we're hungry, so we'll just have to see how that plays out.

Please list any allergies you have (medications, food, hay fever, dust, etc.) and your current treatment for them:
Caroline: We both have severe vervain allergies. I know, right, what are the odds?

Please list all/any other reality shows you have applied for, and how far you made it.
Stefan: I tried out for The Real World a long, long time ago on a dare from my friend Lexi. I got pretty far, actually, but when it started to look like they were actually going to put me on the show I backed out.

[DUDSKI NOTE: HAHA, COHERENT TIMELINE, WHAT COHERENT TIMELINE? I like to think that fandom_tar exists outside of time like the Restaurant at the End of the Universe or the End of Time in Chrono Trigger. (NERD ALERT!!!!!!) Caroline is not exaggerating (much) when she says she feels like they haven't done anything exciting in a century. Please don't assume that I have thought about or care what this means for their interactions with 2011-based teams. IF YOU WANT TIMELINES THAT MAKE SENSE GO READ A HISTORY BOOK. Also, they are obviously pretending to be human but Phil is going to realize immediately that they're vampires because DUH he is Phil. If you don't know who Phil is, feel bad about yourself for at least thirty seconds and then go watch an episode of Real People Amazing Race.]
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