Laurie Keller and Travis Cobb - friends from Gulfhaven, Florida.
What communication issues do you have with your partner that you would want to address while on the race?
Travis: I don't always know what Laurie's actually talking's usually just easier to go along with it, though.
What famous person reminds you of yourself?
Laurie: Please, like one famous person could possible contain all of this. I'm like if Naomi Campbell, Lindsay Lohan, and Russell Crowe had a baby.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, describe when you were arrested, the circumstances, charge(s), and whether or not you were convicted. If you were convicted, describe the penalties imposed.
Travis: You only leave two lines for this on the application - have you met Laurie?
Laurie: [see attached pages]
How could the Race change the current state of your relationship?
Travis: Change? What? I wouldn't change anything. No, oh no, we're just...we're just friends, I wouldn't want to - why would I want to change that, why would you even - oh, you mean, like, the stress of the race or...that. No, we're good.
What is the worst experience you have was with your teammate? Why?
Laurie: One time I snuck Trav into a club and it TOTALLY would have been fine, but we ran into my foster cousin Janie, who is a BITCH, and she was still all pissed off because of this one time in high school when she recorded over my 90210 tapes so I put Nair in her shampoo, so obviously we got in a fight, and then her boyfriend Scotty like, tried to throw down with Travis, and Trav doesn't really embrace confrontation like I do, so he just curled up in a ball, but then this drug dealer who owed me a favor (because one time the cops tried to bust him and I hid his stash in my wheelchair because I was pretending to be handicapped that week) showed up and it turned out that he was Scotty's brother, so it all would have been totally fine - anyway, my point is that after they threw us out, I realized that my purse was still inside, and I really, really liked that purse, so losing it was pretty awful.
List three adjectives that best describe you.
Travis: Chill, funny, smart.
Laurie: Sexy, awesome, WHA-BAM!