Can I ask everyone to spread the word about this community? Please and thank you!
1) The web site is coming together at
Fandom Rocks. What do you think we need there besides information on the show, the charities, and donations? It is a Wordpress blog which means everyone involved can be a subscriber, and if you choose, an editor who can add posts, etc.
2) I created two email addresses one is contact and the other is donate at This way the Paypal account can go to the donate and everything else to contact. Multiple people would have access to them via webmail.
4) Is Paypal the way to go for donations? Do we need some "officers" so someone can take responsibility of the Paypal account? It is probably best to have 2-3 people who have access to it so we can constantly track and update the status of donations on the web site. Do we want a Cafe Press store to raise funds that way, too?
5) Is there a writer or 6 out there willing to spruce up our userinfo and be a writer for the web site?
THOUGHTS? What am I forgetting? Do you guys want me to step back and let someone else start the campaign elsewhere? I am used to getting things moving quickly, so I won't be bothered if this isn't the direction the fandom goes. Speak up, be heard. =)
ETA: Here is some code to copy/paste from a post in my personal LJ.
Hello, Supernatural fandom. What to help?
fandom-rocks Fandom Rocks web site Spread the word!
3 Copy/paste the code inside the textarea below. Feel free to modify it as you see fit.">Fandom Rocks web site
Spread the word!