If you are like us, you found yourself running out of time these past few weeks. Sleep became a luxury. Days when work was supposed to be light and airy became heavy and slow. The weather decided it would be funny to dump snow, rain, or ice on you. (Well, maybe not those of you south of the equator.)
Of course, this doesn’t mean things have stopped at Fandom Rocks. We are still here! The Frontline is still working in the background on non-for-profit tasks and future events. We hope you haven’t forgotten about us. We certainly haven’t forgotten about you or those our charities help.
Charity is a huge part of the holiday season. Some friends have opted to make donations instead of sending cards. Some choose to ask for donations on their wishlist rather than gifts. If you choose to donate this season, we hope you will consider
our charities. Remember, you can
donate directly to them, and if you let them know it is a part of Fandom Rocks we will add it to the tally and donor’s list on
the donate page.
Be safe, happy, and healthy. We will see you in 2008!