Fandom High Radio, Saturday 1/8

Jan 08, 2011 10:51

And here I am, once again, surrounded by squirrels. You know, funny story. I once got beat up by a squirrel themed super hero. That means I sure as hell aren't gonna share my boozey coffee with any of you.

Oh, stop your angry chittering noises. It's not even good for you. Coffee will stunt your growth.

So, over at the school, my teaching 'buddy' taught kids how to be famous movie stars. Oh god, tell me there's a lesson on having a public meltdown on TMZ. If there isn't, someone is slack~ing. People, shockingly enough, listened to him. Though, Caroline seemed easily distracted by menfolk. Might wanna work on that one. Kate and Nathan got their flirt on during class too. Something about heart breaking and Valaries. Probably an euphemism for something illegal in most states. Lee couldn't get enough of the introductions, so he made 'em do it twice. So, those of you playing along with the drinking game? Two shots!

Over at the piracy class, Hook introduced himself (Taaaake a shot) and then said he wasn't as nice as his reputation. You know, there's a joke about havin' a thing for pre-teen boys here, but I'm pretty sure the Cohen brothers made a better one. Oh, the hardships of having a different writer. Neckerchief asked if he was part of some kind of Guild. Well, this is a type of roleplaying. So... it's possible. Goddamn WoW. People also introduced themselves (another shot). Oh, your livers are gonna love you this morning. Oh, and there was talking amongst themselves where Luke and Nico wanted to kill themselves. Ah, c'mon. He hasn't even been all piratey at you yet!

Jooooohn Crichton had his Pop Culture class which everyone needs to talk. Well, maybe not everyone. Because meta-ing is not everyone forte. They listened to a classic song from Vanilla Ice, but not everyone appreciated the wonder of a white rapper. Maybe if we make them listen to Marky Mark some they'll change their tune? Wait... wait... no. That might drive them to suicide. My bad. And more Introductions! Another shot, folks.

Blackadder and Baldrick had Dealing with Idiots to teach. But if you already deal with idiots, why would you want to deal with more? Did I just blow your mind? Did I? Ah, probably not. The kids may or may not have listened to the lecture before (another shot, kids) introducing themselves to each other. The test in class today was putting on puffy pants. So... he stole those from Crichton's class, right?

Also in the school area, Wesley was int he library ignoring his phone. Which breaks so many library rules, I can't even--why, Wesley?! WHY? Why would you desecrate the wonder of the library? Where I've been maybe twice since I've been here, but shut up. Henry stopped by to tell him it was possible to shut off the ringer. But where's the fun in that? Jaina, who also can't date me, was confused by her messages. Which, as I'm sure, will shock you all. Anakin, who needs to keep his family from hitting on me, was also in his office, answering calls. Hijinks ensue. Jono Mc Clownlips showed up to chat about how Raven seems to be going through some changes lately. Mood swings, red eyes, weird dreams... I'm pretty sure that's just puberty, though.

I think we're done with the drinking game now, but who knows? It could pop up again and there would be wacky hijinks. Let's stay tuned, shall we? Cloud worked on his bike int he garage because he's probably European. Europeans and their bikes. Am I right or am I right?

...yeah, well. Screw you too, squirrel.

Our benevolent Disney overlord threw a pizza party with all that fat Jonas Brothers cash she must have. Including Cheetos pizza. Oh. My. God. How has this wonder not been known to the world yet? Don't you make a face at me, squirrel. It sounds like fake cheese heaven and you know it. Charlie was lured in with the smell of pizza where they talked about fires and how Ariel can't cook. But she can sell millions in merchandise, so. It makes up for that failing. The Goddamn Bruce Wayne told Charlie that Ariel probably could eat all those pizzas and become comically large until a later point in time. He then went on to be very Godamn Bruce Wayne-y at Ariel about how she can eat so much when he has to go to the gym all the time. And have you seen his thighs? It's like two pieces of bacon rubbing together. God. Caroline swooped into the room to steal pizza and then ask if it was for sharing or if Ariel has one of those TV show worthy addictions to eating too much of something. They went on to bitch and moan about their beloved Nathan. Wow, this guy seems popular with the ladies. The Goddamn Bruce Wayne pulled a Dan Humphrey--moment of silence for our homie who is no longer here today--and judged the crap out of Caroline after a long, thoughtful process of information collection. Elphaba didn't get much of an answer from Caroline about how she was doing here at the big ol' school of ours. Maybe she was still crushed by all that judging from before. Elphaba also announced to the room that the phone lines were broken because people didn't realize that one until later in the evening. I totally realized, but I like sending people weird messages, so... yeah. There's that. The Goddamn Bruce Wayne asked her if she'd gotten any weird messages and she was all 'Ohhhh yeesss. But I wouldn't want to cause strife with our classmates!' Now, that's strife with an 'i' not a 'y'. Because that dude's a dick.

Ender decided that a nice, rousing night in to watch Jesus Christ Super Star was the best idea ever with him, his ambigiously bi roommate and Karla. Ben showed up saying he couldn't date me, thank god. Because that woulda been awkward to break to you, kid. I'm sure your roommate will ease the pain of my rejection. Karla showed up with burgers so they could start watching the movie while mocking how gay it is. Hey now, Biff coulda cleared some of that up for you, you know. But he was lured away from here by a higher power.

Calvin got gremlin bit to yip at people, so we'll say he was turned into KeSha or something. Juliet was in her room texting people wheeeeen her twin brother Jeremy stopped by to talk about clothes and how cruel it is for them to be unable to call people. Oh god, this sounds like a great sitcom. Now I wanna watch it. Alex just hung out and called people. Today of all days. Snow Job ended up fleeing for home to whatever cross-over event pulled him there this time. Maybe it was the Clone Saga? Sov practiced their soldering iron and then made a call about it. We can only assume it wasn't to a 900 number. Well, you guys can. That's my theory, though. Raven tried to get her mediate on after some disturbing phone calls when she was interrupted by Disney Overlord Ariel. Who insisted Cheetos pizza isn't an abomination the likes of which the elder gods would be revolted by. Buuuut Raven pussed out and didn't go have some. Booooo. Oh dear god, people. Also just hangin' out, listening to weird messages and callin' them back: George who is a chick, Wesley the librarian who tried to hit on people with his calls, Dru, Lindsey and Karla. Rinoa was doing the same in her room when Squall the most emotive person on island showing up to argue about tigers and making out and oh man, we don't need to know that about your personal lives.


The things you learn about people, man. The things you learn.

At the diner, Bod who is not a cologne got a visit from Charlie to talk about normal teenage things. Like ghosts and how people can see them. The more you know, kids. Charlie was also over at Groovy Tunes, rocking out to what we'll assume is Vanilla Ice. At Coyote Medicine, Arya decided there needed to be a change and... reorganized stuff. Boring. I was hoping it would be turned into a strip club or something. Kate played the wonder of DDR at the arcade when Nico showed up and was all confused by it because apparently he hasn't been near an arcade since the 90s. You can't see it, but I am frowning at you. Hope also crushes any of my fantasies of a strip club in town by also just rearranging things at T&C.

At Caritas, Jessica, you guessed it, dealt with her messages. Ben learned not to download so much porn over at Fixer Uppers because he kept getting pop up ads. Just say no to porn. Tony Stark--Haaaa--stopped by to ask about buying stuff for a radio and they talked about roommates and keeping supplies under beds. Yeah, you're not foolin' anyone there. We all know about Stark and his affair with his suit. Sure, it tried to kill his girlfriends and was all Fatal Attraction, but... that's what you get when you build robots, man. Ask Scarlet Witch. Tahiri also showed up to ask about lightsaber parts. There are parts? Can I have some? Pretty please? I just wanna stab people with a laser sword! Why you guys gotta Bogart all the fun toys?


Tim talked to Chloe at the comic book shop because this is his last day ever. Not sure what her role in that was, so let's use our imaginations. John Watson was at the clinic, trying to will a sandwich into being before calling his roomie for food. Oh, just take a shot because there were hijinks. And another one because Vida called her suppliers for special flowers. Hint hint.

Buuuut... I think that's it for now. Right, squirrels? Right!

You all have a great day, I'm gonna go eat breakfast.


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