Fandom Radio, Thursday June 8th, 2006

Jun 08, 2006 23:01

Good evening and happy Thursday, Fandom-

*inquisitive mewing sounds*

No, I think you have to be able to speak English to do the radio broadcast, sorry.

*disappointed mewing*

-anyway, this is Bridge Carson, bringing you the latest and greatest of Thursday.

We Were Drawn From The Weeds

In Sex Ed today, people talked about their favourite flavours of pie. They also made emergency kits, for those situations when a pie craving just hits you out of nowhere. Then they talked more about pie, and after class, Becky enjoyed sampling Tyler's pie.

In Wilderness Survival, everyone worked on macaroni art. Aeryn tried a risky new pasta-art technique, and Cam figured out the point of the exercise. Leadership and Outdoorsmanship, on the other hand, went on a hunt for cat treats.

*mewing sounds*

No, *I* don't have any cat treats... shh.

Yogalaties discussed yogourt and lattes. Nature Magic discussed potato chips, and how ketchup is a ridiculous flavour for chips.

The library was awfully busy today. Dawn and Buffy came in to look up stuff about monsters under the bed. Buffy, Rory and Willow researched strawberry shortcake recipes. Willow found the ultimate recipe, for which Rory was grateful. Tyler made googly eyes at Willow. Tyler and Rory talked, and then Tyler offered to go research shortbread recipies. Jamie pitched in, researching the history of doughnuts, complete with visual aids. Tyler made a discovery about shortbread that left both Rory and Xander somewhat less than pleased. Jamie and Tyler discussed Tyler's past experiences with baking. Hermione was also looking up recipes in the library. Brownie recipes, to be exact. There's lots more baking talk, but trust me, it's all very boring.

In the cafeteria today, there was an incident with Tempe and some cheesecake.

Dean The Tick held office hours and contemplated chili.

And now, onto the dorms.

We Were Brave Like Soldiers

In the gym today, there were several lively discussions about pudding. Up on the fifth floor common room, Marie discussed figs, Jamie mentioned tuna- in front of cats, no less- good move.

*more mewing*

No, I don't have tuna either. Nadia and Pippi played with empanadas and ate- wait, no. Played with kittens and ate empanadas.

Tempe and some cheesecake visited Sawyer on the third floor, and River shared ice cream with kittens on the fifth floor. Hamlet, Walter and Nadia were also there but didn't get ice cream. Woe.

Jude and Ranma discussed sushi. Jude is pro-sushi. Ranma is not.

In the second floor common room, Conner spread fish. Kaylee walked backwards into it, as did Stark. Bel gave Conner some marketing advice regarding his fish spread, and Marie attempted to confuse Bel and Conner by mentioning squid.

In the third floor common room, Tempe made some pizza.

The dude had spaghetti for breakfast, John and Aeryn had Pop Tarts, Cal had Lucky Charms, Willow had butter tarts, Ranma had tuna and Anakin and Sam had danishes. Jake sent some email about coffee. I'm sure you're all shocked.

The dude had some sandwiches, as did Jack and Hamlet. But not all together. Lots of people went to Rory's room to talk about the recipes they'd researched earlier in the library. Al's also got cupcakes, but not from Rory's room.

John and Aeryn had ice cream, and Walter and Nadia had turnovers.

Falling Down Under the Pale Moonlight

Jarod decided he wanted to leave in search of the world's best perogies. Jack, Cedric, and Isabel roasted marshmallows on the beach. River stopped by Giles's shop in search of gyros and tzatziki sauce. Peter and Willow discussed muffins. Jude makes Sakurazaki an omlet.

Jay and Silent Bob ate fishsticks, Z brought Jamie some lasagna, Elle had chicken noodle soup and Barbossa... drank rum.

At Caritas, Pippi and Pip had english muffins, Pippi and Seras refused to give Pip Rice Krispie Treats, Pippi introduced Archie to Seras and they all discussed chocolate mousse, Veronica told Archie about Skittles, and Piper and Paige cooked hashbrowns in the lounge.

Annnnnnnd in the clinic, Dr. Troy made Nanaimo bars, and Trevor made french fries.

That's all, Fandom. Me and this very clingy cat are now off to find something to eat, because I'm strangely hungry.

bridge carson

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