Hellllllllo Fandom! This is Lois Lane with WTFH Fandom radio. It's Sunday night, I've got a drink in my hand and my underwear isn't missing. Thank god. And not only am I joined by our fabulous radio squirrels, I am also with tiny albino monkeys. Who don't have a taste for rum. That's a shame. Oh well, more for me.
Nothing! Nobody should be surprised by this. Unless you're new and come from a weird world where school and school type things are held on Sundays. In which case, wow, aren't you glad to be here?
Brooke finds a monkey in her shoe. Well...that's odd. But still, not the oddest thing I've heard. Lucas comes in and they discuss Teyla and the radio squirrels. Oh really? What's going on there?
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. But I thought he was with...you know what? We'll discuss Lucas and his man-ho tendacies after the broadcast. Anyways, outside
Gladys warns the monkeys not to climb on her but they don't listen. Silly monkeys.
Liir feeds the little monkeys before heading off to the
Ino joins Liir in the gym and they talk about the monkeys.
Meg is trying to watch a movie while Sparkles tries to fend off tiny monkeys. I only understood about half that.
Jack has monkey problems. Don't we all?
Meg and Dawn try to block bad mental images by thinking of their hot boyfriends. Yeah, that'd do it alright. Somehow
Turtle and Meg's dicussion about Turtle's past mafia connections turns into talking about robots. How that all adds up I don't know.
Cal is having a smoke on the roof and is ignoring the monkeys. I could go for a smoke right now. You squirrels mind if I smoke? Tough. I'll do it anyway because I'm bigger than you and can kick your ass. *slight pause* That's better.
Hinata joins Cal and they talk about about how nice the roof is and about how the monkeys are like small children or drunks. Or maybe drunk small children.
Jack gives Cal and
Hinata guy-nod greetings. Cause that says so much. Really. On the third floor,
Lana is watching TV and getting comfortable with monkeys. Not dirty.
Lucas says something about monkeys before asking Lana how she feels about being all graduated and stuff.
Ino and Lana discuss how they're different but that's okay! And that's your after school special lesson for the day! Jeez guys.
Lana vetos Chad's choice in TV show because it involves animals eating each other. Hey, that show sounds cool. Stop being lame, Lana.
Chad and Ino catch up and he tells her she'd look cute all covered in mud. Diiirty.
Peter and Lana distinguish the difference between popcorn and monkeys. Uh...monkeys would be a little furry going down. I think that's how you can tell the difference. And
Ella and
Aravis practice knifework in the Salle. Cool!
Gladys is feeding a genet on the second floor.
Jaina asks if the genet is a new friend while
Alice says the genet is being disobediant. Well, it can be both. You can have disobeident friends.
Charlotte opens up York Gallery and
Jaye wanders in and wants to know what happened to the old couch.
Vala tries to repair stuff at Luke's,
Roy stares at paperwork in the Trooper Station and
Mohinder doesn't want the monkeys stealing his pie at J, GOB. Yeah, I heard pie theft was a big problem when there are monkeys around.
Anders is favoring his shoulder at Caritas. But won't that make the other body parts jealous? Anyway, he gets a visit from
Jaye and they talk about being ancient.
Adah does some reading during her clinic shift.
George Michael is leaving and he and Mary discuss her plan of buying a vacation home. Dude, I wish I had a vacation home.
Murdock makes a call home, something I need to do soon. And
Aly and Deadpool do the talk/argue thing on the way back form the causeway. That sounds just peachy.
Anyways, that's all from me Fandom. Stay cool and check for tiny monkeys in your bed. Night!