Fandom Radio, Sunday Morning

Aug 14, 2016 08:33

Hey, another slow day for me. I'm starting to think you guys are doing this on purpose. Is it because I'm over-exposed or because Saturday is a day of rest and getting errands done? I'm hoping it's the latter, to be honest.


Give me the notes and get back to your laundry. Thank you. So, Jono was looking at scripts at Groovy Tunes like he's living that Hollywood dream of staring in shitty blockbusters and wearing green CGI costumes. At Caritas, Mike was doodling before Danish Anthony Hopkins stopped by. We also had Peter out in the Preserve meditating or some zen *AIRHORN* when Kanan stopped by to get in a fight and then invite him for tea. Awww, it's like a meet cute!

But that's all we've got. Maybe I should do laundry too. Or I could just borrow Vanessa's underwear for another day... Hmm. Choices, choices.


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