Good morning, Fandom. This is Clint Barton, and to those of you tuning in for the first time, welcome to this weird place, and I hope someone warned you about the squirrels. I'm fully caffeinated for once since I had a feeling I'd be coming in to a lot of notes, and the squirrels did not disappoint. Let's see how everyone's first day went, shall we?
Of course, the big school news is that we welcomed a whole bunch of new people with the traditional
picnic. Everyone got to meet their new
Raven warned Frank that she'd only ever been on the little sibling side before, and Frank thought they'd get along fine as long as there was no physical sibling abuse.
Face greeted Xanthippe--sorry, I'm sure I butchered that--by being shirtless, and gave her some warnings about the squirrels and gremlins.
Jasper had his hands full since Dante didn't even realize he'd been enrolled at a school, and
Ringo had to explain what Fandom was to Isabela too. That seems even more unfair than shipping your kid off to a boarding school without asking them.
Eggsy--god I hope that's not the name your parents gave you--was at least expecting to be here, and Ezra gave him some info about the island's quirks.
Maria was equally surprised that Tali was an alien and that it's 2015 here, and
Anders eased April into a conversation about the island by starting out giving her brownies. Ah, sugar bribery, always a good decision.
The students also had a chance to meet their
roommates once they'd been sufficiently shocked by their siblings.
Kathy and Raven talked about their plan to wear bikinis to the picnic and to fill Raven's closet with extra clothes for Kathy.
Eggsy and Xanthippe got off to a great start, if great starts involve giving someone the finger.
Anders and Dante ended up talking about their common knowledge of demons--yay, just what I like to see in a note.
Isabela warmed up to April and they talked about some of the boys April had met already, and
Alluka and Mabel were excited that their roommate request was official.
Maria was surprised to be rooming with Frank, but they both agreed to keep other people out, so they'll get along, and
Mara was friendly to Merrill, who was still confused about where she was. That still sounds really rough.
There were plenty of
teachers at the picnic too.
Hardison and Didi talked about teaching since it'll be Didi's first time this term, and Hardison talked to
Eliot about how the shuttle ride with Washington went.
Claire checked in with Eliot, since they're teaching buddies, but she's been here for a while so she's at least used to things like randomly turning into an animal. Hardison and
Parker talked about Didi and her class while Parker stole Hardison's food, and then Parker found out all about Claire from
Jono and Didi got caught up and reminisced about when they were on the student side of things, and
Parker and Jono talked about what they're teaching this time around.
Hannibal talked to Jono about the new people they'd met so far, and
Eliot was glad to see that Didi had decided to teach something.
Sam and Bob re-met and talked about Sam's class,
Jono and Tahiri got caught up after not seeing each other for a while, and I got to meet
Lito who seems really nice, so if you have him as a teacher you're in good hands.
*clinking noises* I don't need any rum but--okay, if you're going to be pushy like that, fine. Let's see,
elsewhere at the picnic,
Dante freaked out at Pinkie and took a swing at her, but she was cool with it. Still, no punching the adorable pony, that's a lesson for all of you.
Alluka traded cupcake recipes with Pinkie--see, that's a much better option--and
Eric was glad to realize Pinkie was one of his teachers.
Lottie and Kathy talked about the lack of cheerleading at the school, but
Lottie and Dipper agreed that they don't want sports to happen at the school.
Eggsy complimented Raven on her clothes, and she convinced him to lose his shirt, and Raven tried to get
Ringo to wear a swimsuit to entice the boys too.
Jalian also gave Raven a birthday present since she missed her birthday.
Kathy was also running around in a bikini, which got Dante flirting with her, and while
Dipper was distracted, he and Kathy ended up talking about LA. Kathy tried to get
Kira to put on a swimsuit too, but it was
Ringo who really did it and then went to Kathy looking for sunblock.
Dipper welcomed Dante to the school and heard about how Dante thinks Pinkie is a demon, and
Ringo talked to Dante about windsurfing as part of a class. Kathy was friendly to
Xanthippe, but Xanthippe insisted she wasn't staying long, and couldn't imagine why anyone would be here instead of LA.
Dipper also tried to be nice to Xanthippe, but she was having none of it.
Cassandra showed up at the picnic via portal, which Dipper thought was awesome, and she talked to
Thorin about his continued efforts to find a way home. Cassandra also warned
Anders that there are people looking for him back home. That doesn't sound good. Dante was confused about why
Ezra was shirtless while
Jalian complimented him on his looks. Ezra offered to help
Alana get over Johnny being gone, but
Isabela was the one who actually dragged Ezra off to a room.
Dipper was taking notes, and Ringo asked if he'd figured out how the common rooms got stocked yet.
Anders and Isabela found out that they're from the same world, but not the same area, but that still gave them something to talk about.
Kathy and
Jalian both made sure to welcome Isabela.
Face told Eggsy about the tradition of guys being shirtless at the welcome picnic, and was glad to hear that
Cassandra is going to be sticking around.
Ringo was impressed by Face being shirtless and covered in glitter, and he blamed the squirrels--don't make those faces at me, it's true--and he also told
Alluka how to get rum. Someone's a bad influence.
Eggsy didn't believe Mara when she said she was from another planet--I give it a week and then he'll totally buy it--and when
Kira checked on him she got blatantly flirted with.
Eggsy and Eric talked about how they ended up in Fandom and Eggsy was glad to meet
Edward and realize he wasn't the only Englishman around, even if Edward is from way in the past.
Alluka offered to let Jasper hug her bunny because he seemed unhappy, and then she decided they should be friends. Hey, that works when I try it all the time.
Ringo and Jasper talked about how Jasper hasn't been able to find his way home yet, and
Alex and Kathy talked about how long a year in Fandom seems.
Dipper told Thorin about his adventures in Locker 327, and made fun of
Mabel for eating healthy when there was a table full of bad food as well. Thorin welcomed
Elsa back, and they talked about how awesome nachos are, and how weird human courtship rituals are. I... can't exactly argue with either of those statements really.
Jalian has also apparently been studying courtship and told Elsa she's decided men are ridiculous. I... can't argue with that either.
Kaylin also welcomed Elsa back, and apologized for how much of a mess their room is.
Anders and Thorin talked about Thorin's dislike of elves, and
Kathy tried to convince Anders to go shirtless before talking to him about a possible weekend of crimefighting. Eeeeh, just be safe, okay? Elsa and
Anders talked about the possibility of waking up as fire-breathing ponies, like you do in this town, and
Kathy tried to sneak some vegetables onto Alluka's plate full of chocolate.
Alluka told Anders that she was worried some new people weren't too happy to be here, and she talked to
Four about whether or not he'll ever change his nickname to Five.
Ringo checked in with Alluka, and
Elsa got welcomed back by Alluka sharing her chocolate with her. Kathy told
Frank about Caritas, which is apparently a bad thing? *chittering* Oh, he's gonna drink Kitty out of business, I see.
Dipper said he was worried about Frank's liver, but Frank has no such concerns. April wondered if
Clarke was new because she looked overwhelmed, but Clarke said she's been here for a little while now.
Ringo and Cosima made tentative plans to go to Ringo's Tokyo, and
Alana and Mara made plans to have ice cream and watch soap operas to get over the fact that Johnny left.
April was on a quest to make friends, and she and Dipper talked about how they were already used to some of the weird things about Fandom.
Kira told April about the ongoing food surplus in the dorms, and Mara got a shirtless, glittery hug from
Face, and also found out about Face and Cassandra being a thing. I'm going to guess that means a dating thing, so congrats.
Four and Ringo shared some cake, and
Gwen confided in Alana that she went through some of the stuff that led to Johnny leaving town, ouch.
Kira gave Gwen a hug and told her all about the alien invasion while
Eric and April appreciated each other's hair.
Merrill was hanging out off to the side, and she and Isabela discovered the same thing as with Anders, that they're from the same world but not the same place, but at least that gave Merrill some comfort.
Anders warned Merrill that Cassandra has a thing about mages--not a dating thing, a bad thing--and
Thorin wasn't exactly happy to see Merrill, but she was really nice to him so he softened up a little.
Kathy gave Merrill a bottle of juice and welcomed her to Fandom, and
Nathan got to hear all about the people Anders met from home.
In non-picnic news--yes, there actually is some--Kira helped guide
Merrill to the picnic from where she was lost in the preserve.
Mabel made herself at home in her new room with Alluka, and she and
Alluka made plans for roommate bonding. And at
Freedom Arms, Bellamy was in a bad mood after the picnic, which is a sign he probably didn't hit the food table enough times. There's a lesson for next time!
And that, finally, seems to be the end of my notes, so I'm going to head out. Have a safe week everyone, especially you new folks. You really are in a good place, I promise.