Fandom Radio, Sunday, May 17

May 17, 2015 11:36

Okay, okay, I'm here, quit poking. Uh, hey everyone, this is Clint Barton, and can I say that time has been very good to most of you?


Yeah, I still remember how this all works. Let's see if I remember how to decipher your handwriting. Okay, in the dorms, Cosima went looking for something when she woke up, but came up empty-handed. Flick and Isabelle talked about all the memories they had of Isabelle's old dorm room when they woke up there, and Cassandra was surprised to wake up in her old dorm room. I feel like a lot of these notes are going to be about that confused feeling . Anders came by and they talked about Cassandra being Divine, which somehow turned into a discussion of mage rights. Er, hopefully about how mages should have rights, right? Thorin also stopped by, and he and Cassandra talked about how he'd become a king since leaving Fandom. That's a nice upgrade.

Thorin also raided the second floor common room for some coffee, and Alana came in looking for her daughter. Enjoy the child-free weekend, unless your children are potentially doing terrible things while you're gone. Ronan wasn't particularly happy about Fandom's latest trick, but it did give him and Alana a chance to catch up.

In town, Momoko and Jaime had a momentary freakout when they woke up before realizing that no, they hadn't been kidnapped, it was just Fandom being Fandom. Kitty and I also had some confusion this morning but then--aww, the squirrels think we're cute. As long as that doesn't involve me getting glittered, we're good. Hannibal spread out a blanket in his back yard and tried to convince Jono to repair some of his chest, and while that was going on, Sparkle came by and let Hannibal cook for him. Aren't people who insist on cooking for you the best? Naomi worked on some mission reports in her hotel room. I'd point out that this is a vacation weekend, but I've checked my email too many times to throw stones. Stiles and Derek were surprised to wake up in Derek's place, and made sure Derek's sister was checking up on their kids. Look, this is me being quiet and non-judgmental. Natalie and Peter woke up separately, but got together quickly to groan about Fandom's quirks, and Atton was just annoyed to be here in general.

Over at the Perk, Sparkle flirted his way into getting coffee and a sandwich, and got caught up with Cade, particularly about how Sparkle has been bouncing around dimensions. Cade also got caught up with Kathy about the zombie apocalypse she lives in, and insulted Atton a lot. Well, no wonder he's annoyed about being here. Sparkle and Atton got caught up and compared how scared they are of kids, and Kathy told Sparkle about being the mayor of zombie LA. That might almost be better than being a king.

Since Eliot woke up above Luke's, he decided to open the place up for old times' sake. Hardison and Parker talked with Eliot about all their kids, and Kathy grabbed a hug from Eliot and told him all about zombie LA. Nikolai and Kathy made plans for the evening, and Eliot also talked to Nikolai about the LA situation he and Kathy were living in. Parker was more concerned about getting the scoop on Nikolai from Kathy, and she and Eliot talked about how she was surprised that the restaurant was closed when Eliot came downstairs.

Finally, there was a mixer in town for all the reunion-goers to get together. Raven was walking around all blue and naked and scaly, and Mercy was glad to see her being herself. I... yeah, I've got nothing appropriate there. Ben and Ender were happy to be free from their kids for a night - see, some people understand the hidden perk of this situation - and Ronan and Blue got caught up about people back home. Jaime teased Dinah about putting her nametag on her purse, and Dinah and Momoko got caught up on each other's kids. Dinah also made plans with Priestly to see a movie later and make out in the theater.

Tony took great advantage of the open bar - I'm not surprised, are you surprised? - and Ben got confused when they first started talking, until he realized it was a different Tony than the one he knew. Ah, Fandom. Jessica and Tony got caught up, which involved her finding out about him raising teenagers to fight an evil overload. Okay, hopefully that's a different universe than mine. Eliot and Washington were both surprised to find the other alive, and Atton and Jessica talked about Atton's current lack of drinking. Atton also got caught up with Washington, and Jessica got caught up with Kitty about what sort of traumatic things had been happening in their lives. It does sound like a lot of people are living very dramatic lives right now. Thorin and Blue flirted and discussed who should get the Roomba that was in their old room. Kathy talked to Flick about mayoring, and he told her about working with Isabelle, and Kathy also got caught up with Kira, who made plans to get Kathy stocked up on supplies to take back to the post-zombie apocalypse. Kitty and Stiles got caught up with each other, and also talked about all our respective kids. And how my kids with Kitty are probably smarter and better than Derek's kids.


Yeah, I was being non-judgmental before, but I can only keep it in for so long. Anyway, out on the dance floor, Raven and Kathy made plans for shapeshifting shenanigans while they got caught up, and Momoko dragged Jaime onto the floor for a slow song. Derek was constantly checking his phone for kid updates--


--hey, I've been checking every half an hour, that isn't "constantly." As I was saying, Derek was checking his phone and got harrassed by someone named Jazz. He also talked to Kitty about how things were going, and about turning one of the rooms in his house into a dog room... which is an idea I totally need to steal. I mean, if we've got the space... okay, Jazz also got caught up with Clarke, who apparently has a lot going on at home, and Kathy and Hanna apologized for falling out of touch, and got caught up to make up for the lost time.

That looks like all the notes, so I'm going to get out of here and head for that brunch before the coffee gets cold. Have a good rest of the weekend, folks.

clint barton

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