Fandom Radio, Thursday, April 30th

Apr 30, 2015 14:10

Good morning. Hopefully I'm not interrupting too many tearful goodbyes or "why did I keep that" mutterings as people pack up their rooms...


The squirrels say sometimes they just put things in your rooms to mess with you. So now you know. Yearbooks were distrbuted--please don't people not to change because if you're stuck in high school forever that would be terrifying--and Sia was at the beach preparing to go home. Presumably not by swimming there. She got texts from Atton who's off doing whatever Atton does when he's not here and then said goodbye to Four, which is a silly name and I can say that because I know a guy named Obi-Wan. Tony Stark now owns Stark's again, making him the, what, fourth Stark to own Stark's? Something like that.

This island is confusing. Jessica stopped in to tell him she used to work there and ends up working there again, on Tuesdays in case you're looking for her.

...and that's all? Really? Excellent. I'm going back to sleep.

anakin skywalker

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