Fandom Radio, Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mar 19, 2015 22:14

*squirrel snickering*

Laugh it up, fuzzballs. Like I care if you have footage of me chasing you up trees. Let's get to the news, all right? It was unofficial movie day yesterday in classes, with both Friendship is Cake and Modern Myths showing them. I'm guessing they were different movies, right?


Good. Sparkle made a phone call in the dorms, but apparently it wasn't interesting enough to hold the squirrels' interest.

*elaborate chittering*

Oh, they're being respectful work colleagues who wouldn't dream of infringing on his priv--how can you even try that with a straight face?

In town, Kenzi was napping at Luke's, Jono was stocking CDs at Groovy Tunes and was in kind of a mood, and Jake was trying to get through paperwork at the Trooper Station. Good thing, too, because Jessica has found herself unexpectedly stranded in Fandom and is now working at the station. Raven was enjoying a day in the park until Pam launched herself from behind a tree yelling "COCAINE" and yanked out some of her hair, so, um, Jessica? Jake? Looks like there might be more paperwork to go through...Cecil was there to be on the receiving end of Raven's "what the hell was that" rant before the conversation turned to the weather, as it does.

Needful Things was busy, which is weird because it was always closed when I went by...anyway, Elsa went in to look at all the shiny things, Anders went in to apologize for not having enough rocks to pay for his item. Okaaaay. Pam went in demanding more cocaine, which could mean this place is also selling drugs or Pam is just insane, and Kathy's reappearance in the shop came as a surprise to Leland, who noted that her last exit had been rather rude. Joker was also there to conduct business and now I'm feeling a bit left out for missing all of the fun at this store. Finally, the Devil's Nest was open, even if Buffy was a little scarce.

And that's all I have today. I'm off to take another shower. I'm still finding cat hair everywhere. Ugh.


anakin skywalker

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