Fandom Radio, Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Jan 06, 2015 13:05

But it's Tuesday and I have to teach--

*pointed chittering*

Okay, yes, you're right, I'm early and pacing the classroom for a few hours would make me look desperate and need--hey! I'm not desperate and needy!

*more chittering*

Shut up and hand me the notes. Eesh.

This is Anakin Skywalker, by the way. I'm apparently seeing half of you in my classroom very soon. Don't be late.

*even MORE chittering*

Why the frell would we be handing popcorn out at the door? That's ridiculous.

ANYWAY. It was the first day of classes yesterday, which meant I have a whole page of notes about introductions. Kitty's Adulting class talked about how being adult involves having money as to not be homeless and starving and they also held introductions. Tony Stark--another one?--held introductions in his class about Science and Technology. That's not a shocking choice for him, if it's the same sort of one I've met twice already. Maybe three times? Bond taught Mis-Intelligence and held introductions. Since it's a class on spycraft, I'd be shocked if half of what was said was true. Lecter's Baking class also held introductions, but he made it more bearable by also providing snacks.


Tasty snacks.

In the dormitories, Vider made beef stew to share with the floor--

*eager chittering*

The squirrels point out that they accept food bribes, too. Hanna--a new student--stopped in for stew and asked questions about the stone angels around town. Um. Long story on those. If they start to move again, RUN.

In town, Obi-Wan settled into a hut because of course he did. Indoor plumbing is for other people. He also brought along two eopies which are not for eating.


They're also about fifteen times your size. Hatter was at Cafe Fina drinking tea and working on his class notes, Eliot was hard on the staff at Luke's and got a surprise visit from Parker: hello again, Parker! Dani was doing some online shopping at the Gig, and Irene was looking for employees over at Dite's. Amy took her up on that so students, now you know someone else to ask all of your embarrassing sex questions.


No, probably not you guys. Also, yuck. That's it for today, everyone. See you in class. Promptly.

anakin skywalker

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