Fandom Radio, Monday, May 12

May 12, 2014 03:43

Oh, shit, it's been a while since I've been in here, yo. Liiiittle weird it's so early in the day, but I'm not gonna complain. You guys got my pay for today's broadcast?


That's what I like to hear! Yo, Fandom! This is Reno, I'm surrounded by squirrels, and I have notes. Now let's see if I can get back into the swing of deciphering their tiny little squirrel-scratch for today, hm?

Staaaaarting with... um... School? School comes first! It was a Sunday, though, so all the notes I got are about how Evan was puttin' out informational material about the island's weird - ask me about the zombies sometime, newbies. That'll be fun - and Ichabod got some help learning how to google Wikipedia. And cats.

Sound priorities for this day and age, yo.

Over in the Dorms, Will got some e-mails, went for a run, and then got back and moped a lot. The squirrel says it probably wasn't Mother's Day, folks! I... didn't know Mother's Day was a thing. Earth holidays, yo. Whatever.

And then we got Town. Town, and this real nice dark rum the squirrels just passed me. Not because there's a lot of town notes, though. Just because they know I like dark rum. Shit, I missed these guys.

Aaanyway, Riley got a long phone call with not much talkin' involved over at the MCA. He fall asleep or somethin'? I'm gonna say he fell asleep on the phone. Elphaba wandered onto the Causeway after what is apparently like two or six years, depends where you're comin' from, and ran into Jono, who found out a bit about what she's been up to and offered her a place to crash last night if she needed it, yo.

Over at Stark Industries, Jessica was drinkin' way too much coffee. I think it was an experiment of some kind. Anyway, she didn't explode or vibrate until she lit fire or anything like that, so probably the worst that came of it was a caffeine buzz and maybe she had to piss a lot later. Flash was at the gym scopin' out the fitness classes, and outside of J,GoB, Isabelle got to talkin' to Flick about Mother's Day, and why he was so pissy about her bein' glad to come back to the island, yo.

It's a manpain thing, Isabelle. You wouldn't understand.

I think that's it for the notes, yo. So I'm gonna settle in with this rum and catch up with my old buddies, the squirrels. This is Reno, signing off!

reno of the turks

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