Fandom Radio- Thursday, August 21

Aug 21, 2013 22:35

*dead air*

Um, hey, I've just been busy, uh. Staring at the squirrels. They have a lot of tiny shot glasses around and I'm not sure why and they're not sharing. Details or the rum.

I'm just gonna go ahead and read these notes then...

At school, Hunting class got to make their own demon-hunting kits. Which I kind of hope they don't get to take with them since for all I know we have some demons wandering around. But on the other hand, it could also lead to hilarious hijinks.

*happy chittering!*

And now they're doing a shot. Okay. Bond took questions in Love class, and Philosophy of Food had to share something they learned. Also they had to
eat. Which, let's be honest, would be mean if they didn't. And in the library, the magazines kept trying to give Sholeh styling advice. She also got a visit from Yeul and talk about how their semesters are going, and apparently there was blushing over Evan. So congratulations, Evan, now you know about that.

*happy chittering!*

I don't know what's happening here or why they just did another shot. In town, Kenzi was at Luke's, apartment hunting, while at Caritas, Jake was doing work for his other job. Woah, woah, woah, combining your jobs? Why would you do a thing like that. It's weird when I had to talk about me working on my radio day.

*happy chittering!*


That was two drinks when I- Hey. Are you guys playing a drinking game? Did you make me into a drinking game?

*innocent chittering*

You did, didn't you! Is that it? Is that the list? *paper shuffling* One drink for every mean comment, two every time I'm lazy... That is not worth two drinks!

*chittering in the tone of "suuuuure"*

You guys are the worst. You could have at least invited me in. At the Devil's Nest, where I will refrain from making mean comments because suck it, squirrels, Derek had to listen to Mmmbop while rereorganizing the alcohol. Stiles brought his bunny castlemate and got nagged at for not going to the clinic before there was an argument over trust. Notice how I'm not commenting. And then Eric and Derek rolled their eyes at each other and Eric decided he liked the song probably just to piss Derek off. As far as I know, this didn't end in them getting a room.

*happy cheering!*

DAMMIT. Ugh, I hate you all, bye.

jaye tyler

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