Good morning, Fandom! Rilla Blythe here again, since Miss Tyler said that I work here now though I was under the impression that working implied getting paid, and I'm going to tell you all about what you did yesterday!
But for now, it's 39 degrees and bright and sunny, so put on your warmest hat--
*squirrel snickers*
--and get ready for a very nice January day!
In classes, Miss Pie's voice had given out in
Elements of Friendship because of all the singing she'd done on Wednesday--oh, that's terrible! Did anyone bring her tea? Do ponies drink tea?--so they had a Friendlyfeet Social where she didn't have to talk much. There was
mingling before the race where Mr. Laufeyson
took a picture of Mr. Peter Wiggin in his work uniform from a hamburger place, and then everyone
raced! Who won?
Of course that part is important, silly squirrels. Be more thorough next time, if you please. Miss Electoclash, which still doesn't seem like a real last name, was in her Superheroing class today where she has...
renamed all of her students. Can you do that? The students seemed as
confused as I am, and Mr. Stark and Miss Brown chose to team up as long as Miss Brown was a partner and
not a sidekick. That seems reasonable to me! Miss Thropp wanted to
change names with what Miss di Glacia had been given, and then they all had to work on
costuming. This seems like an odd sort of course. Mr. Stotch asked Miss Electroclash for a
superhero name and Miss Electoclash told Mr. Kaplan about a group called the SPA after confirming that his costume
wouldn't match hers. She wears a costume? Is it like Mr. Deadpool's?
Ethics, the students were left aboard ships in the middle of nowhere and left to discuss which of them they would eat?! EAT?!!! The
first group decided to eat Mr. Puckerman, who is clearly too attractive to meet such a fate, and it would also upset Miss Fabray and I'm certain that that's a bad idea, the
second group decided to learn to fish, the third group chose not to eat anyone once they realized their first choice--
Mr. Laufeyson--wasn't on their ship, and the fourth group tried to figure out how their
superpowers would save them from a life of cannibalism. I'd say that was a little mad but your teacher wanted to know who you would EAT, so the bar for crazy is set pretty high already.
In the
library, Mr. Kaplan was working on his audition for the play in town when he wasn't putting final touches on his superheroing costume, and
Lord Lannister was losing at an online game in his office.
Over at the dormitories,
Miss Adams and
Mr. Peter Wiggin were bitten by gremlins in their rooms--that can't be good--
We'll apparently get to it in town? And
Miss Logan was kind enough to provide an Italian feast on the third floor yesterday evening! Miss Donovan and Miss Lewis made each other's
acquaintance, and I did my best to help
Miss Gale adjust to life in the 21st century, which still doesn't seem possible. I also met Miss Logan and
thanked her for her hospitality. Mr. Stotch was
quite upset to find that he was in the wrong common room--when it is one with food, I don't think anyone minds too terribly--and then he and Miss Fabray--hello, Quinn! I'm sorry I missed catching up with you!--talked about their
hometowns, which are much more normal than Fandom.
Which, if I must be frank, is not that hard to accomplish. Mr. Murdock bumped into Miss Logan several tmes wth his
cane--oh, the poor boy!--and Miss Fabray
invited him to the musical. Miss Donovan got nervous about how much she talks with her hands because Mr. Murdock
cannot see what she's doing, and she also tried to help Miss Logan adjust a bit to life on the
island. Miss Donovan and Miss Fabray agreed that being
social is important--I absolutely agree!--and then Miss Logan and Miss Fabray spoke, though it appears that they are
not wildly fond of each other. For one, they are getting each other's first names wrong.
Miss Gale wondered if she'd stumbled into some kind of special event--just an
icebreaker, Miss Donovan assured her--, and Miss Lewis didn't realize that it's polite to greet your hostess before
helping yourself to the food: oh my, Miss Cornelia would have some sharp words for her.
And in town,
Miss Vida and
Miss Hamby both left town yesterday--well, yesterday evening for Miss Hamby, who had some sort of medical condition that prevented her from leaving earlier. But what about Miss Ad--
Oh, here we are. Miss Adams and Mr. Peter Wiggin were found working at
Moobyland, though Mr. Wiggin, at least, was far more interested in the applications on his phone than
serving people food. Mr. Brink was very amused to see Mr. Wiggin
smoking, Mr. Lacroix had no idea that
Miss Adams had a job there, Mr. Brink called Miss Adams "Kate 3" and wanted a
customer complaint form to fill out, and Mr. Ben Skywaler wanted to be certain that Mr. Wiggin wasn't going to
spit in his food.
Miss Maclay got a
rash from some of the herbs she was unpacking at the Magic Shop, Miss Millie was still hiring at the
book store, Mr. Aaron was doing research at
Wellspring Arms, and Miss West was singing along with music at
Groovy Tunes, but not because she was compelled to. Over at the Boards (between sips of
tea, apparently) people tried out for the next play. Those auditioners included Miss
West, Miss
Adams, Miss
Fitzpatrick, Miss
Logan, Mr.
[Vincent's last name that we all know], Miss
Marin, Miss
Perrault, and Mr.
Maccorieghan. Miss West told Mr. Bolton that she wanted to be involved with
costuming, and Mr. Benson was working on the
technical aspects of the show.
And finally, Miss Frost was taking a walk along the
beach with Mr. Priest, and Miss [Kenzi's last name] was not pleased by the zombies' choice in music at
Caritas last night.
And that's all I have! Enjoy your weekends, everyone. I hope they're lovely and quiet.