Yo, Fandom! Reno here on another where-the-hell-are-we-now kinda morning in Fandom, takin' advantage of the deccent weather by sittin' here in shorts and sippin' on rum. Squirrels did a bit of laughin' at the sight of me in shorts, but, what the hell. It don't feel like we're stranded in a blizzard in Icicle back home, so I'm gonna show off my skinny white chicken legs, yo.
I'd tell you to deal with it, but this is radio, so if you're complainin'? You're the one with issues, not me.
Anyhow, with a new day comes more notes on what the hell you were all up to yesterday after a kinda slow news week. Looks like a couple of you were tryin' to make up for lost time or somethin'. Nothin' was goin' on at the school yesterday, which is how it should be on a Saturday, damn it, but a few of you student-types were keepin' yourselves occupied down at the cabins. Like
Kate-of-the-Gregson-variety, who was shoppin' online when Bod showed up with food. They talked about what she was doin' on the mainland, the answer bein' nothin' that he needed to worry his pretty little head about, yoto.
Alexander was hidin' away in his alcove too, mopin' around over a letter while William sympathized as well as a guy stuck as a puppy possibly can.
Makin' use of the campfire yesterday out at Paranoid Parrot was
Simon, who was broodin' over marshmallows. I'm gonna go right ahead and say that it had to be the weather drivin' everyone emo, yo. Or maybe it's just more widespread when people ain't got easy access to the roof so they can all mope together.
Annie wondered if Simon was cold, bein' outside in the middle of the friggin' ice age and all, but he pointed out that he had a fire goin' before offering her some marshmallows. She had a talk with the
Sam-who-ain't-a-chick about how she's kinda weirded out about how easy it's gettin' to deal with Fandom's weird. Just wait until you're havin' that same conversation with Sam-who-is-a-chick-who-wasn't-a-chick-yesterday, Annie. And then Annie and Dave were all delusional, thinkin' that marshmallows made it feel a bit more like summertime, yo. You know what makes it feel more like summertime? Summertime.
Simon and Dave got to contemplatin' hot chocolate, which ain't very summery at all, but damn does it ever go good with marshmallows, yo.
Sam got to talkin' to Simon about what would happen if you ate so many marshmallows that your blood turned into it. I dunno, but if you rolled yourself in chocolate sauce and wafer, I'm sure at least one of your classmates would probably be thrilled.
Toby came out to stretch his legs, and he and Simon agreed that the air was good, while
Sam teased him about all the time he spent as an animal. No word on who won the snowball fight that followed, yo.
Movin' right along into all the best gossip from town, we start with a heartwarmin' tale of a
Kenzi an' her buddy the marsupial rat, who gave the patrons of the Devil's Nest an eyeful when she changed back from tiny critter to naked Bo while sittin' on the bar. And damn am I sorry I don't go drinkin' there more often. Who do I talk to if I wanna put in a formal request for more naked at Caritas? How about a stripper pole? Anyhow, probably to spite
Kenzi for laughin' at her, Bo denied her the drink that she was tryin' to weasel outta Tiny.
Dick figured that the rat-to-stripper action was a strategy to get herself some better tips, and
Eric was doin' what I'm sure a lotta guys were doin', grinnin' at Bo and suggestin' maybe she'd look better wearin' his shirt instead of Tiny's, yo.
In less naked news, there was a crazy amount of varnish at the Gig yesterday, which
Dani found herself strugglin' to keep away from the horses, yo.
Topher was hard at work earnin' his paycheck from my girlfriend, watchin' cartoons about animals playin' paintball at Fixer-Uppers, yo. And at the Wellspring Arms,
Cable was bein' bigger an' more terrifyin' than any of you guys listenin' to the broadcast, readin' a copy of Guns & Ammo before headin' into the shootin' range, probably to blow things up with a gun that's bigger than most of our listeners at home, yo.
Now, if you'll all excuse me, I got this rum, an' it's a sin to be holdin' a bottle like this, in shorts like these, without makin' my way out to enjoy the sun and the sand and the waves at the beach.
Well, the sun and the sand, anyhow, yo. Until next week, Fandom, don't do nothin' I wouldn't do! That oughta keep your options nice an' open, yo.