Fandom Radio - Sunday, June 5th

Jun 05, 2011 12:48

Poromon: I don’t know if we should be in here, Janice!

Paddington: Excuse me, pardon me, but I was told that there would be marmalade here. Or, rather, I was offered something in a tall bottle, but it smelled a little odd, and so I requested marmalade instead. *pause* Hello!

Jan: Eeee! Bear! You’re mine now.

Poromon: Run while you caaaaan...

Paddington: Run? Why should I be doing tha-- Oh dear.

Jan: Miiiiiiine.

Poromon: What are these--notes? How odd.


Paddington: My new friends the squirrels say that they would like us to read them, because they do not speak English and the people of the island would be rather disappointed if they didn’t hear the *oof* news today.

Jan: ...I wanna give you a bow.

Paddington: Are we required to dress up formally for the radio?

Poromon: I think she may be evil. Oh, look at the pretty squirrels, Janice!

Paddington: We had best read quickly. There are many notes, and not very many squirrels for her to divide her attention between.

Poromon: At the school Bod was very concerned about something while in the library. Then he had a visit from Anna arrived, thinking he was a fellow named Ryan Atwood. Which clearly cannot be the case as his name is Bod.

Paddington: That must be inconvenient, thinking that somebody is somebody else. We bears never confuse people that way.

Poromon: Nor do Digimon! In the dorms someone named Bobby was very concerned to wake up in bed with someone named Sookie. I think I know what you mean. But hopefully she calmed him down because he seemed very upset according to these notes. He just needs a hug! We can also hope that one Kennedy obliged and it was all figured out in the end with a good moral learned for all. There was also a four-pack of beer laying around when Randy showed up to drink one. That doesn't sound very nice at all. What if that belonged to someone else? Hmmmm? Topher didn't notice anything was wrong until his kind roommate Peter pointed out that he looked different. That Peter fellow probably gave him a hug as well!

Paddington: Hugging is nice, so long as it isn’t too tight!

Jan: Bear hugs!

Paddington: Oh, I’m very good at those!

Poromon: Bod and Kate woke up together, but she was a vampire. Oh, no! Not like Myotismon! He must be stopped! Goose woke up in confusion, oh my... a RaboPlus left a note when she woke up in a different place. What sort of rates would be lowered? I don't think I quite understand that. Freddie woke up and made certain his hair and ascot were correct. Which is very good because one should take care of oneself. Janice, I don't think this ribbon is very becoming.

Paddington: It’s a very nice colour for you, I think.

Poromon: You’re next.

Paddington: Then I hope she chooses blue.

Poromon: Annie woke up to being made of clay! Oh, that can't be good at aaaall! Jack was also very concerned about this. Hopefully he comforted her with a hug. Candy spent aaaall morning doing her hair and make up when Anna stopped by, looking for someone named Jeremy. Luckily they were able to talk about fame. I'm not sure how that factors in, to be honest. Jake and Caroline found out they were soulmates! Congratulations, Jake and Caroline! Oh... oh no. Beast woke up and tore about his room in a rage. That's not very nice, Beast. Perhaps he also needs a nice hug.

Paddington: Janice is very good at hugging, Beast. Trust me, I know.

Poromon: And she could give him all the ribbons she has!

Paddington: Out to the stables, Westley was grooming the horses. I think I should like to try that sometime. Horses do sound terribly exciting! Ariel paid him a visit, looking for a gentleman by the name of Thundarr the Barbarian. I'm afraid that I haven't met anybody by that name, myself. Fortunately, Westley promised that he'd keep an eye out.

Poromon: These certainly are interesting names, aren’t they?

Paddington: I’ve heard far stranger. Like Mr. Brown!

Poromon: …

Paddington: It is a very odd name. In the third floor common room, Tony Stark was rather hungry, and was eating all of the food that he could get his hands on. Excuse me, Mr. Stark, but would it be much of a bother to send some marmalade to the radio station? The squirrels say that they're all out. Anna was quite surprised by Mr. Stark's appetite, which prompted him to explain that food is all that can make him happy anymore. I sometimes find the same to be true of marmalade, but there is more to be happy about, Mr. Stark. You'll see. Mr. Stark told Princess Ariel that we're in America right now - Oh my! Have I emigrated again without realizing? - And although Mr. Stark had told Ariel where she was, she and Anna both sympathized with one another about being lost. I suppose I'm lost as well, really. I might need to pull out my label again.

Poromon: Don’t say that around Janice! She might pull more things out as well! I’m missing feathers!!

Paddington: It’s a very important label, though. It says, “Please Look After This Bear,” and I am to wear it whenever I emigrate.


Paddington: You’ll need a proper label, then. So that she doesn’t get more confused. Wheeler spoke to Mr. Stark about how important it was to take care of the environment, by at least composting if he wasn't going to share, and then Wheeler and Anna spoke about somebody by the name of Hoggish Greedly, although they might not have been speaking about the same person at all. Mr. Stark tried to get Topher to give him his chicken wings, but they finally agreed to trade, which might be what I need to do in order to get some marmalade. You aren't fond of chocolate, are you, Mr. Stark? Freddie seemed especially confused, mistaking Mr. Stark for his friend Shaggy, because of his appetite.

Poromon: As long as Mr. Stark did not eat him...

Paddington: I don’t imagine that even Mr. Stark would be that hungry. People don’t eat people, you know. Kate was out and about around the dorms as well, flirting with Nathan before being very unkind to him, indeed. I do not think I would like to meet this Kate. Hitting is terribly rude. Topher didn't get beat up when he met Kate, and it seems that she was kind and helpful to Freddie, as well. Perhaps she was only hungry when she was mean to Nathan? Bears get grumpy as well, when they haven't had their marmalade. Scully's door was open, and Kate talked her into coming out with food, which she attacked Scully for. Poor thing. She must have been dreadfully hungry, indeed.

Poromon: We need a vaccine type digimon to help us!

Paddington: I’m afraid I’m not certain what that is. But it sounds like there might be a doctor involved.

Poromon: For the good of the town! In town Dick Dastardly woke up only to take a mission from a General and then stroke his mustache. Oh no, that does not sound good at all! Poromon--oh, that's me!--I woke up with a Nate Grey and Janice here only wanted her daddies back. Don't be silly, Janice. You can't have two daddies. Hermione Sue--that sounds like a lovely name--dressed herself because, oh no! Myotismon has gotten to her as well! We must stop this, Janice!

Paddington: I think I know somebody who caught that, once before. A little orange juice and some chicken soup, and it should clear right up.

Poromon: At the docks, a Sea Captain was smoking a pipe when RaboPlus emerged from the waves. I suppose she was swimming then... A fellow called Jayne was at Turtle and Canary, ordering Apu about. Which does not sound very nice at all. RaboPlus was done swimming and arrived to get him to change to a different bank. Oh, she's a banker! That makes sense. Hopefully she also got him to stop being mean to poor Apu. Leia wandered around town, only to run into a confused Anakin and Jaina who apparently were expecting a different Leia. How odd.

Paddington: Everybody seems so confused this weekend. I’m not certain what to make of it.

Poromon: It’s a very confusing weekend indeed. That’s what I think.

Paddington: I think what you’re thinking is rather correct. Don’t you think?

Poromon: I think! Marilla Cuthbert was in the park, scolding squirrels. They do drink a bit too much... Randy arrived to ask her if she'd seen his son, but no such luck. Though she was kind enough to ask a Snake in a box about it! Cinderella was scrubbing floors at the Perk--

Jan: Stupid haaaaair.

Poromon: Yes, with stupid hair, Janice. Westley asked if she had seen Princess Buttercup, but she... broke into song instead. That's... nice. Of her. Rude asked after the princess and told Westley that she might be a student at the school! Jono Hex attempted to hold Cinderella up, but found she had no money. She did not sing at him, though. Which was a small blessing, I suppose. Rude tried to intimidate Jono Hex into dropping his guns. Is Rude a police officer? I think he might be! Westley then asked Hermione if she had seen Princess Buttercup, but she said she didn't care because she was a princess. I'm not sure if that means she didn't care about the Princess Buttercup or that she didn't care because Hermione herself was also a princess. Either of them are rather rude, though. Cinderella and Hermione discussed balls and some fellow named Draco. I'm not sure why, but he sounds annoying. Oh, and then Janice here, attempted to get Hermione to buy her food. It did not happen, sadly.

Jan: Princess Hur-mine-y Dumbface.

Paddington: Is that her proper title?


Poromon: ...perhaps that’s a word you should not use, Janice.

Paddington: It’s most definitely not suitable for royalty, after all. Mr. Rude seemed to find Hermione to be quite lovely, but only offered her a grunt when she said hello. I wonder if he's met my friend, Mr. Curry? Poromon asked Cinderella for some help, but Jan didn't seem to think that Cinderella's hair was nice enough. Oh my, Poromon. You didn't want help with your hair, did you?

Poromon: She had mice for that.


Paddington: Then they had best stay away from my marmalade when I finally find some. Jan was hungry, and Mr. Rude was very kind when he asked her to pick something from behind the counter. He also asked why Cinderella was scrubbing the floor. She's a servant girl, you see. At the Devil's Nest, Bo was quite herself, but apparently Tiny wasn't feeling quite like himself at all. I find that I feel that way as well, after a bath. Dreadfully messy things, baths. Lancelot asked about the noise, which Bo didn't much care for either, and she offered him some alcohol to help make things fuzzy. Entirely unnecessary. I'm quite fuzzy, and I never drink a drop.


Poromon: And that wouldn’t be very healthy for any of us here, you know.

Paddington: Cinderella stopped by after she was finished scrubbing floors, and she was wearing a very nice dress, which Bo was impressed about. Then they spoke about fairies. Jaina wanted to know how to make the music stop, and Lancelot suggested ... Something that I refuse to say in front of Jan. Such suggestions are not very pleasant at all. Bo and Jaina then exchanged less violent options, such as mind tricks and... other things which I will not repeat in front of little Janice.

Poromon: ...yes. Of course. She isn’t violent at all.

Paddington: She’s affectionate and excitable. Bears are often mistaken to be violent creatures for much the same reason.

Jan: I like you.

Paddington: I like you, too! Jack and Lancelot discussed ways of getting rid of the ukelele that was making the music that had everybody so terribly upset, especially Bo, who believed that the ukelele is there because God doesn't like her. Oh my. Kate seemed to be quite concerned for Jack's well-being, asking if life was getting him down. Kenny was difficult to understand, which was possibly why Bo didn't end up giving him the correct order when he sat down at the bar. Jason asked for something to throw at the musician... I don't suppose anybody thought to just politely ask him to leave?

Poromon: Surely they must have! Why else would they complain so?

Paddington: I find that people can be rather silly. My friend Mr. Curry complains about having nothing to complain about, if somebody will listen. Mr. Eric wasn't very happy with the music, and was hiding away in the VIP lounge when Jaina stopped by to be certain that he was really him. I hope he was. It's so very terribly inconvenient to be somebody that you're not. Cinderella stopped to speak to Eric, who she found to be rather Charming, and thanked him for the invitation to the ball. Is that why nobody liked the music? Hermione seemed unhappy that Eric wasn't somebody named Draco, while Kate simply looked at him from the other side of the velvet rope. Perhaps if she'd asked, he might have given her something to eat? He was quite charming, after all!

Poromon: And I’m certain he’s not as disappointing as this Draco fellow.

Paddington: At Wonka's, Charlie Buckett did very much want some of the candy. I must confess that I'm qutie worried about this place. Everybody seems to be so very hungry, here. Fortunately, after I met my new dear friend, Curious George, Charlie was kind enough to point us in the direction of the candy shoppe. Sadly, they don't carry marmalade, there. Mr. Rude was nearby on the street as well, watching George and I look around for our marmalade. Funny, I didn't think that he was very rude at all.

Poromon: What is marmalade?

Paddington: It’s very delicious. I think you would like it very much!

Poromon: I would like to try it sometime the--Janice, no! Don’t touch tha---*CLICK*

reno of the turks, deadpool

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