Past Winners List
Past winners may not be nominated in the category they won, they may however be nominated in any category the haven't won.
Best Beta
Kitty_poker1 R1
Amybnnyc R1
electricalgwen R2
brknhalo241 R4
Amazing Achievement
Athenewolfe R1
petzipellepingo R2
rachelmanija &
telophase R4
Not Forgotten
Athenewolfe R1
erykah101 R2
jenwryn R4
Fantastic Friend
Vamptastica R1
xlivvielockex R2
sesheta_66 R4
Contribution to the Fandom
Vamptastica R1
petzipellepingo R2
beautifulfic R4
Kazzy_cee R1
sexymermaid R2
sueworld2003 R4
Spirit of Inspiration
Sockmonkeyhere R1
lit_gal R2
bryoneybrynn R4
Marvelous Mod
xlivvielocke R2
_pinkchocolate R4
Stellar Supporter
sueworld2003 R2
aldehyde R4
Mod's Choice (can't be nominated for)
schehrezade R1
sexymermaid R1
lit_gal R2
rachel2205 R2