Right then, time for the feedback post!
Please comment with any feedback or comments you have for us on Round 4 and also any suggestions. We'd also like your thoughts on the things brought up in this post.
You can comment on any aspect of the round - the running of it, graphics, layout, awards, form, categories, anything!
Please remember to keep your replies polite and constructive.
All comments will be read and considered. Thank you!
Already added/changed
- Group nominations are now allowed for Amazing Achievement and Marvelous Mod categories.
- We stressed that it is important to write as much as you can for testimonials - it can make all the difference. Don't hold back but choose posting option relevant.
- We stressed that links are also important in nominations.
- Added to guidelines about fandom jargon - you must explain what you mean in testimonials as the judges may not be part of your fandom and won't get the references.
- Navigation links added to guidelines at the post has gotten rather long.
- 'Post none' option removed from form as testimonials are now posted at the end of each round.
- PM's allowed as method of contact (New LJ feature since last round)
- Flocked posts now allowed providing guidelines are followed
Already suggested
- pokeystar suggested renaming/changing description of the Not Forgotten category as it sounds like a posthumous award and it didn't get as many nominations. Name suggestions welcome. Or should we not run the category again??
- Would the judges like a rubic? (list of things to look for when judging)
Other things that came up during the round
- Need procedure for nominators to send in email extracts/IM convos etc as references.
- I will not add colour to the judges form next round - differences in software caused one section to appear the same colour as the field so it wasn't visible.
Things I thought of
- Would you like banners for the Special mentions in future?
- Will ask judges next round what the best method of contact for them is (email/PM etc)
- Would it be helpful to have help buttons on the form next to each field linking to the relevant parts of the guide? Or brief instructions by each field?
- Suggestions of multi-fandom places to pimp next round welcome.
To be added
- Note beside form boxes detailing how much content they can hold (max number of characters)
- Back up judge to be found for next round
- Draw judge to be found too (in case of draws)
- Any new categories you'd like to see???
- Need nominators to also think about whether they'd like reference links posted at the end of rounds - add to guide.
Please feel free to use this thread as a discussion board for the round. Everyone's opinion is welcome as long as it is polite and constructive. Thanks everyone!