(no subject)

Oct 01, 2011 22:18

I haven't updated here in forever, but I have been following the new Who episodes. I haven't reacted to most of them, because I wanted to see where things were going, and to do so without being influenced by fandom. Just, you know, watching the thing. Well, end of the season.

Also, tidbit of the same for Torchwood - spoilers and reaction, at the end.

The good:
Love Amy and Rory.
Love that there's more than one companion.
Love Eleven.
Love 'Sexy'.
Love the confusion and 'what's going on' and that the arc worked all season.

The bad:
Oh look! He's not the last of the time lords! Amy magically gave birth to one! All that angst for the previous seasons? Never-mind, didn't mean it.

River is the biggest Mary Sue I have ever, ever, seen. Love her base personality to bits, thanks to awesome RPers out there, but really? Way over the top.

The Doctor proposed to River.
Technically? Good outweighs the bad. By far.

In practice? I couldn't stand Doctor/Rose. I couldn't stand the 'It's another Doctor! Who ran off and lived happily ever after in another universe with Rose'. I couldn't stand the 'Everyone's in love with the Doctor' thing through Tennant's run. I? Can't fucking stand this either. And at this point? I think it's fairly safe to assume I will have fond memories of Who, probably keep abreast of what is happening from friends, and be very sad that trying to watch it makes my blood pressure shoot up and that vein in my temple throb - because dammit, I just fell in love with Eleven.

Torchwood? Similar deal: What the shit was that, fond memories, great love of Jack, and no desire to know what the writers are going to do with characters (well, a character) I love, next go around.

Yes, my basic: Please enjoy what you want, don't piss on others; parades, the writers can do what they want with their character attitude still applies, but so does my belief that I can like what I want and uh.

I don't like. It may settle in my brain in another year or two, but right now? blergh.,

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