(no subject)

Feb 24, 2011 07:10

I have been watching Criminal Minds, but haven't had a whole lot to say. Also, I'm busy, lazy, and having fun with RP. Anyway:

Long and short:
I want to care what's going on with Emily but for some reason I just don't. I don't know if it's because she's not My Character or because the plot-line looks/feels poorly integrated into the storyline. It's just a little over the top, seems to be coming out of nowhere, and doesn't hit quite the right note to get me emotionally involved. This isn't 'omg how dare they' type stuff, just 'eh', and being more interested in what's happening with her cat.

Hotch driving in a car chase? Makes me happier than anything that simple reasonably should. Scenes of him with Jack continue to make me unreasonably warm and fuzzy.

Last night's ep actually kind of... bothered me. Let me say from the get-go: I am not white-knighting (or neurotypical knighting, whatever). I'm not saying that their handling was any worse than Criminal Minds has been at handling any other issue - and my belief that given the format and setting Criminal Minds has done a pretty damn good job at handling Stuff.

I am saying that as the mom of a 10 year old autistic son? Watching that was fucking painful in all kinds of ways, both the things they got right and the subtle things they got wrong. That was enough to sufficiently distract me from being able to really watch the show for what it was, however:

I loved Reid and Rossi in this one. I loved Reid with the kid and love that Reid went out and bought a keyboard when they got home. Yeah, I know it's one more skill for him and one more way that's going to make him special, but it fits him. Especially given his remark about it being basically math. And again: I love his interaction with the kid.

I love Rossi's interaction with the aunt and especially loved the 'father's realizing their son isn't going to have it quite as easy as he did' remark and sadly found myself eyeballing him and wondering, in a nonslash goggles way, when he came out to his dad and exactly how badly that had blown up in his face. As he has no kids that was where my mind jumped first. Second it jumped to 'wow, he's gotten really close to Hotch and Jack'. I'm sure the writers are going somewhere else, but whatever: Where my brain went made me happy.

I am not watching Suspect Behaviour. I'm old with a 10 year old autistic kid and involved in animal rescue. We get up early and I'm OUT before 11 p.m most nights and just not that interested yet.
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