Screencaps Update

Aug 29, 2006 12:27

Just to update:

I have been adding tons of screencaps to the Fandom Knit gallery.

Links to the galleries can be found HERE.

So far we have screencaps from the following:

Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Doctor Who
Star Wars
Veronica Mars
Arrested Development
The Life Aquatic
The Chronicles of Narnia
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Office

There was some interest in Stargate stuff, but honestly I've never seen one minute of it, so if you'd like to see caps included in the gallery I'm going to need some help with that one. If you don't know where to find screencaps, let me know as many specifics as your can: which season, which episode, what it looks like, etc. and I will do my best.

Also, if you know of certain projects from any of the fandoms listed let me know! I know (for example) that Veronica Mars is always wearing cool stuff, but I can't remember which episode is which.

Right now I'm working on finding more stuff from LOTR because it seems like a majority of the community members are interested in it.

Some more possibilities that have been suggested or I thought might be fun:

Gilmore Girls
World of Warcraft
A Song of Ice and Fire
Pride and Prejudice
Anne of Green Gables
H. P. Lovecraft (Cthulhu)
Mary Poppins
Final Fantasy
Lost (There HAS to be something, guys)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Royal Tenenbaums

As always, suggestions/links/patterns/etc are always welcome.

And feel free to start posting!

mod post, screencaps

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