Who: Bill Campbell
When: Day 36, afternoon
Where: 10 square feet of beachfront property
Invited: Anyone and Everyone
Status: Complete
"I love work," Daisy Adair said cheerfully. "I could watch it all day."
Feel free to jump in with a sub-thread about your own shelter-building adventures. )
Ami looked around for an example. She spotted George trekking across the camp, and after raising her hand in a friendly wave, decided not to point out the talent of removing souls from bodies. (One thing at a time.)
"My husband, Scott," Ami continued, "For example, he's a healer. That's what he can do, he can just heal people. It requires knowledge, though. He has to know how the body works, how all the parts help one another. That's where it could be dangerous or destructive. Knowing what makes a heart beat also means that you know how to stop one."
That chilling thought made her shiver. Not because she thought that Scott would do anything like that, but she knew in her heart that there were people out there who could and would.
"I'm telekinetic," Ami took another sip of water, "It's useful, but I could destroy things as easily as I could fix them."
"Pyrokinesis, in most if not all of its forms, is destructive in one way or another."
There. She'd admitted what she was, discretely. Enough for Ami to pick up a clue if she was perceptive.
"Fire creates heat which cooks food or boils water. Here, boiled water is a precious commodity, it's free from impurities."
Ami returned her attention to the weaving in her lap in order to hide a smile. If Marie thought she'd be impressed by a confession of pyrokinetics, the woman was going to have to try a bit harder.
She laughed, and it was not a hysterical laugh. Or maybe it was, to some extent. Here was a place so amazing that a pyrokinetic gift was so... mundane. Sure, she could light up the jungle - or at least try - but maybe the rest of them could contain it, if she seemed to have such a not-so-destructive gift. "I never thought I'd be mundane again."
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