Jul 14, 2007 23:17
Who: Oona, Methos
When: Day 36, early afternoon
Where: Waterfall lake, Due East of Camp Crash II
Invited: anyone wandering due east...
Status: Complete
Methos wiped the sweat from his face and Oona managed an inward sigh. Why was it men managed to look sexy as hell when hot and sweaty, and women looked just... like hell. Ah, well, unfairness was part of life. It did noting keep her from wanting to lick that line of sweat down his long neck.
She flushed. She was not accustomed to thinking such things.
It didn't help settle the butterflies in her stomach either. She'd thought Adam was extremely attractive before she even knew his name. Now that she had gotten to know him personally, he was fascinating, as well as physically compelling. He had a sharp mind, a wicked sense of humor, and he had trusted her enough to share what had to be a great secret.
Logically, he could not tell very many about his immortality. It wasn't safe. She shuddered to think what would become of him if 'normal' people got a hold of him, let alone what others of his kind might do to gain his power.
"I lost my taste for death when I realized how much more there was in the world than killing, how much power it took to give life rather than take it,"
Oona frowned and canted her head to a side a bit. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply... I simply meant it felt good to be back working out, even though I was spectacularly beaten. I didn't mean to cause any insult."
She certainly didn't want to jeopardize the mutual respect of sorts they were building. She was glad to have someone to speak so freely to. She wondered if he was as well.
At the mention of her tattoo, Oona turned her back to him and moved the fall of hair from her topknot aside. "I had it done when I was seventeen. It was the day after I decided to make the cause of Balance my own. I had abilities that could be useful, and could travel to different times and realities."
The scales themselves were in shades of gray, but outlined in a thin line of black, and had white highlights. It helped make a contrast to her pale skin.
Oona was getting her breath back, at least. But she knew she was going to suffer if he went another round of sparring so soon. And they had a walk back yet.
"I hope you will not think less of me if I cry mercy. I think the walk, cutting and sparring, with the walk back will be workout enough for my first day back in training. And I definitely want to dive into that lake."