WHO: Faith
WHEN: Day 37, Mid morning, after the other
Lemme Show Ya ... WHERE: Camp Crash II
INVITED: Frank, Anyone
STATUS: Complete
After stepping onto the beach, it wasn't hard to decide where to take Frank first. She pointed off to the north, "The outhouse, crapper, latrine, lavatory, toilet, loo or whatever you call it is that way. The smell will guide the way when you're close enough. If you're game later, I can show you the popular swimming spots, necking spots, and the community bathing hole.
"Right now, though, it looks like there's a party kicking up at the cook fire. Which is 'bout the only place parties kick up around here unless they're the sort that take place in private and usually only involve two people. Though if you're in for that sort of thing and ask the right person, you might get a party of three or more."
Faith winked at Frank, deciding to say no more on that subject. Give it a day or two, and he'd hear all about her sex escapades and frolicking with George, Chloe, Jack and Bill - though not the last two at the same time though it got Faith tingly thinking about it - soon enough.
(Yeah, and if he's a normal guy, imagining me and George and Chloe will really get him hot.) Faith was pretty certain that there weren't too many guys on the beach who didn't blush, get wide-eyed, or saunter and proposition when any of the three women showed up together in any combination.
Sex was power. Being sexy, doubly-so.
Faith led the way to the cookfire, pointing out the various people and points of interest that Frank might need to know along the way.
Stopping, with her hands hooked in the back pockets of her shorts, comfortable slouch and t-shirt stretched tight against her unencumbered breasts, Faith greeted, "Hey everybody, this is Frank. Frank, this is everybody. So, what's the sitch?"
((OOC: Special request: Slow posting, kthx bye!)