Friday Funnies: The Importance of the Serial Comma

Oct 26, 2012 21:44

We've covered our friend the Oxford comma more than once: in 2008 with A Very Special Comma and as a Blast from the Past earlier this year.

But if those articles weren't enough to convince you, there's this cartoon from Tumblr user Lush-mana.

It's probably safe for work, but we'll tuck it under the cut just in case. )

!comics, author:lady_ganesh, punctuation:commas

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diebirchen October 27 2012, 01:57:06 UTC
I posted this once on Facebook, and most people, even after rereading it multiple times, don't understand it -- at all!


campylobacter October 27 2012, 03:16:49 UTC
It took me 3 times to recognize that as a great example of the comma's importance in an appositive phrase. And how long it's been since I've even SEEN an appositive phrase.


diebirchen October 27 2012, 03:58:15 UTC
As a retired English teacher, I got it the first time, but I'm a grammar/punctuation/diction freak who sees any mistake no matter how tiny -- always. I edit and am known as The Fairy Godmother of Verbal Usage/FGoVU.


campylobacter October 27 2012, 04:02:59 UTC
So if we put you in a room with a linguistic descriptivist, there'd be fireworks?


diebirchen October 27 2012, 04:36:39 UTC
Well . . . it depends on the setting in which the writing or speaking is taking place. I, myself, am very precise; I always have been. If one can turn off and on colloquial language/writing at need, peachy with a side order of keen. I don't speak German those who don't speak it nor English to Germans with no facility in that language. There are times for particular types of communication. Unfortunately, most people really can't "switch-hit," and a lot of what Professor Henry Higgins says in "Why Can't the English Teach Their Children How to Speak" is sadly true. The ability to speak truly well, or the lack thereof, can be either a help or a hindrance in life. And no -- no fireworks. A calm, intelligent discussion.


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