ANSWER: Accept vs. Except

Nov 02, 2009 14:25

Answer: What is the difference between “accept" and "except"?

With examples from Harry Potter, The X-Files and Stargate SG-1

Deciding which one of these words to use can be very difficult, especially since they both sound alike. They are homophones, words that are pronounced alike but have different meanings, and it's natural to forget which word to use in which context. But this doesn't have to be the case. Learning the difference between the words and when to use them will go a long way in deciding which one to use in your written works.

The definitions defines accept as a verb meaning "to take or receive".

The bracelet was beautiful, but Hermione couldn't accept it. She was half afraid it was cursed, considering that it came from Draco Malfoy.

Harry accepted the goblet from the professor, knowing it would be rude not to.

Even though they were facing the absolute truth that aliens existed, Mulder could practically see the wheels turning in Scully's mind as she desperately searched for a scientific reason to explain it all. She just refused to accept it.

Except, on the other hand, means "to exclude" or "leave out" which is almost the opposite. You can't take something that isn't there.

So let's look at some examples using except:

"There's nothing wrong with me," Jack said. "Well, except for the bad back, the knees and maybe a few twinges here and there."

Mulder looked down at the woman to see that her eyes were wide and staring, except there was no life in them.

And then there's one of my all time favorite lines from "The Goonies"

"I feel like I'm babysitting, except I'm not getting paid!"

So which word should be used?

There are a few helpful hints you could use to help determine which one to use. The word except starts with the same letters as its meaning, "exclude"; thus, if something is being excluded (left out or held back), except is the word you want to use, not accept.

Another way to make the determination of which word to use is to look at the structure of the sentence. Accept is a verb, a word that describes action, except is not. If the word you are looking for is "doing" something, use accept.

author:traycer_, word choice:homophones, !answer, errors:common errors, word choice:similar words

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